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We host regular ERGOHACK events where developers come together on the Ergo Discord for a few days (or weeks!) to hack solutions to problems. These events usually centre around a theme, although not strictly enforced.

There are no entry requirements, and all are welcome! Even if you have an idea sharing it in the #icubator-form on Discord may pique some interest.


You can also check out the Hall of Fame

Click any of the event names below to jump directly to an overview and related resources or browse by project directly below.


  1. optionPools: Creating highly liquid option markets leveraging Ergo's unique blockchain capabilities. Leveraging Ergo's unique L1 tech and Rosen Bridge to become the hub of crypto options. From the duckpools team
  2. Moria Finance: Offering advanced custody solutions with key storage contracts and multi-party payment simplification.
  3. Trustless Relays: Superseding BTC custody solutions with Ergo smart-contracts
  4. Cup of Sugar: Promoting local farm-fresh, traceable products using blockchain to drive community-driven, sociable commerce.
  5. Random Number Generator: Developing robust, time-dependent RNG mechanisms powered by blockchain for unbiassed outcomes in games and lotteries.
  6. ReputationSystem: (Withdrawn) Incorporating Bitcoin Runes into the Reputation System and utilising reputation proofs on the Bitcoin blockchain.
  7. Crystal Pool: Self-custodial exchange that offers real time user experience comparable to a CEX.
  8. Lightning Swaps: Integration for Bitcoin Lightning Network to Ergo atomic cross chain swaps.
  9. Mining BTC Swap: The Sigmanaut Core Mining Pool Team is working on Permissionless Pool Parameters and Reward Swapping
  10. Space Wallet: A cross-platform wallet which uses nipopows to sync against the chain (SPV workflow) and provides basic in app dApp/dApp connector functionalities.
  11. Wallet Wonderland: Creating visual guides and tutorials for various wallets, aiming to provide detailed and easily updatable documentation.
  12. Empheral Messaging: (Withdrawn) Desktop application to read and timestamp messages fast from the mempool, focusing on token-burning mechanisms for mining bonuses.
  13. Sigma Wallet: (Withdrawn) UX-focused wallet, inspired by known wallets but emphasizing privacy and non-reusable addresses.
  14. Huangians: Project details to be confirmed. (late entry from a group of CS students @ Cornell)
  15. Rosen Port: Batching smaller orders to bypass the $10 minimum fee.



Winning Projects

  1. Ergode: Ergo Node on smart devices
  2. SigmaO: Options on Ergo
  3. Lithos: Decentralised block production

  4. Analog-Ergo: Cross-chain P2P atomic marketplace

  5. Ergo Stats: Mobile app for
  6. ChainCash: Elastic P2P money creation via trust & blockchain assets
  7. Lilium: Decentralised NFT Platform
  8. Riadne Hlady2: MultiSig token swapping
  9. Privacy Guide: Privacy Fundamentals Course
  10. Perma Ergo: Real World Food Production Decentralisation
  11. Net Notes: Node browser
  12. Sigma Subscriptions: Easily run a subscription service on Ergo.
  13. Quantum Swap: P2P NFT & Native Asset Exchange Service.
  14. SIPS: Sigma Improvement Proposals.
  15. Explorer UI: Improving the ergo explorer experience.
  16. SigmaStamp: A timestamping service.








Light node with Satergo#

Satergo wallet now facilitates the configuration of light nodes. These nodes can leverage NiPoPoWs, UTXO set snapshots, or both. Light nodes provide a more user-friendly entry point for potential node hosters due to their faster sync times and lower disk space requirements. The final report is accessible here.


The ergohack-sidechain project, initiated during ErgoHack VII, investigates the implementation of sidechains on Ergo. The project's whitepaper can be found here.

Lilium: Event Ticketing#

Lilium is a decentralized platform for minting and distributing NFTs on the Ergo blockchain. Initially aimed at artists for large-scale NFT sales, Lilium has expanded its functionality to include event ticketing. The final report is available here.

There is a shortened version of an interview by chief sigmanaut qx() with MGpai and LGD. The topic of this part of the conversation was their ErgoHack VII entry, Lilium Ticketing, a system that utilises the power of the Ergo blockchain for NFT ticket verification.

Atomic Swap: Web Interface#

Analog Ergo is nearing its test-net launch. The project's main objective is to integrate Atomic Swap smart contracts into user-friendly peer-to-peer GUIs. During ErgoHack VII, a web UI was added. The final report can be found here.

ergsnap (Metamask Integration)#

ergsnap has successfully integrated Metamask Snap, enabling Ergo to be loaded directly onto Metamask. This integration can enhance the user experience for cross-chain activities such as atomic swaps and bridging. The final report is available here.


Hodlbox is a unique platform that encourages long-term holding of Ergo (ERG) by offering users the opportunity to purchase "treasure chests" with varying locking options. The locked amount can range from 10 to 10,000 ERG. These funds remain locked for a specified duration, either two years or until the value of ERG reaches $20. This mechanism provides an incentive for users to resist impulsive selling and promotes the practice of long-term holding in the Ergo ecosystem.

As an added bonus, users receive NFTs corresponding to the amount they lock, allowing them to showcase their commitment on their profile pictures.

Here's a simple breakdown of potential returns on investment (ROI) when ERG reaches an all-time high (ATH) of $20:

  • 100 ERG locked could yield $2,000.00
  • 1,000 ERG locked could yield $20,000.00
  • 10,000 ERG locked could yield $200,000.00

Tim Ur, one of the project's contributors, encourages active community engagement and collaboration within the Ergo ecosystem, highlighting the educational value and potential advantages that such initiatives can offer to the community.

For more information, check out the following resources: - Hodlbox Website - Project Demo - Interview on YouTube - GitHub Repository


ReputationSystemTeam has initiated the development of a comprehensive reputation system for the Ergo blockchain. This system is designed to assign reputation scores to various entities, which can include UTXOs within Ergo, as well as external objects such as addresses, URLs, and Git repositories. The reputation system is built upon the concept of reputation trees, which are sets of UTXOs, with the root UTXO holding 100% reputation. The team is committed to further development and refinement of this system.

You can access the final report here

Ergo Poor Man's Wallet#

The Ergo Poor Man's Wallet, also known as EPMW, is a project that aims to provide a simple, DIY, and cost-effective hardware wallet solution for Ergo cryptocurrency. The wallet is designed with affordability in mind, with the total cost of components and shipping to Europe estimated to be around $10.

Auction Coin#

Auction Coin is an example of 'Degen Finance' (DegFi) operating on the Ergo blockchain. It uses a smart contract to automatically issue and auction tokens, with a game-theoretic mechanism that allows for speculative plays around token buybacks. It exemplifies how transparent, yet high-risk, DegFi can be.


See the Final Reports here


Cross-chain P2P atomic marketplace

The basic idea is to use the cryptographic primitives available in atomic swaps as a basis for creating a cross-chain peer to peer marketplace, where Ergo users can list their own price for their own coins. Not only will this enable users to potentially earn arbitrage as a reward for liquidity on different blockchains, but they will also be able to set and agree to the value parameters for this at their own discretion in a highly private and fungible way. That means no intermediaries are involved in the transfer which also reduces any potential fees on both sides.

Ergo Stats#

The goal of this project is to support DeFi on Ergo with providing useful information such as blockchain statistics – currently found on and tokenJay - in a compact form on a mobile device


Create an Ergo node that runs natively on smart devices such as TVs, fridges, mobile phones, watches, etc. This will be achieved by targeting Tizen OS, Samsungs open source mobile operating system and done in a way where it should be easily portable to other platforms such as WebOS (LG smart TVs).

Currently there isn't a lot of light client based messages on the P2P layer of Ergo so this project aims to test viability of running nodes on smart devices without much functionality. At least connecting to a few peers and performing handshakes/probing for peers, etc.

At the end of ErgoHack VI the goal is to have a node running natively on a real Samsung TV and displaying basic network information.


The Lithos team will use ErgoHack VI to show off work done on the collateralization side of the Lithos Protocol. Given that the topic of this Hackathon is CypherPunk Finance, we hope to showcase a safe, effective way to gain yield on ERG while also helping to decentralize the Ergo blockchain.

Our goal is to create the contracts necessary to allow for collateralized mining pools which interface with the rest of the Lithos protocol. In addition, we plan to show a mockup UI which will allow for lenders to collateralize their ERG. Collateralized mining pools serve as the first half of the Lithos protocol, and are essential in allowing for completely decentralized block production on the Ergo blockchain.

Moreover, collateralization is a safe way to gain yield on ERG with minimal risk involved. We hope that our work on collateralized mining pools will allow for greater participation in Ergo’s DeFi ecosystem, while also helping the blockchain itself.


Elastic P2P money creation via trust & blockchain assets


Lilium is a decentralized NFT sale platform for Ergo blockchain. We aim to be an infrastructure service for any business seeking an easy way to mint and distribute tokens, integrating seamlessly within their products and applications Attachment file type: acrobat


SigmaO intends to provide Ergo users the ability to create Call or Put options on EIP-4 tokens, materialized by a standard EIP-4 token.

Reminder: An option contract offers the buyer the possibility but not the obligation to buy (Call) or sell (Put) the underlying asset at a fixed exercise price.

Riadne Hlady2#

We are building a multisig token swapping service. It is mainly meant for users who want to swap their NFTs on Discord and want a trustless escrow service to perform the swap. Everything should happen in a single transaction, so no sending to a smart contract that the user does not understand is needed.

Privacy Guide#

Privacy Fundamentals Course

My proposal is to create an online module that teaches users about the importance of privacy and how to maintain a safe, private online experience. The module will include written materials, video demonstrations, and a step by step guide that users can follow to create and use the Ergo blockchain privately. After completing the module, users will have an anonymous wallet and know how to use it without compromising their privacy. The course may end up on YouTube or a free learning management software like Coursera. This course will be 100% free for users.

Perma Ergo#

Perma-Ergo is a realfi project that seeks to employ Ergo blockchain technology in holistic natural systems known as: Permaculture or Agroecology, through means of giving micro loans to farmers who neither have access to either farmlands nor the financial means to give them accessibility to land to cultivate, forming a vicious cycle spiraling to exclusion and poverty. Eventually the end goal of Perma-Ergo is to encourage: Real World Food Production Decentralisation

Net Notes#

An Ergo Node In a web browser

An application which consumes the node ont he native level, and then communicates with the wbe browser using file notes which are both symmetrtically and assymetrically encrypted in order to maximize their security, both wiuthin the session which they are created, and forensically in the future.

Sigma Subscriptions#

A framework for anyone to easily run a subscription service on Ergo.

Quantum Swap#

P2P NFT & Native Asset Exchange Service.



SigmaUSD Improvement Proposals.

Explorer UI#

Improving the ergo explorer experience.

Open Board#

(Withdrawn) Pin-board concept

OpenBoard's core idea is letting authors pin a few boxes of text, publicly available on the blockchain, and uncensorable unless all Ergo node's IP addresses are blacklisted. It would consist of an app fetching available pins from an Ergo node to display locally, and an easy way to update one's own pins with a transaction.

So life got in the way and I'll be travelling during most of the ErgoHack. I'll definitely keep working on OpenBoard, but as a regular small project and not within this Ergohack's timeline.


In collaboration with The Djed Alliance, Alephium and Flux


DumDumDum is a decentralised Twitter alternative stored on-chain using NFTs.



CYTI stands for Choose Your Token ID. A 'minable' smart contract that allows an entity to mint tokens with a given character sequence at the beginning of the token ID. A token minter creates a CYTI request, and miners generate the proper token ID using the CYTI miner software.


This EIP proposes modifying how parameter identifiers are communicated in the extension section of block headers, such that in addition to miners being able to vote for or against a change, they can vote partially in support of a change (for indicative voting). This will enable mining pools to pass along true governance power to their miners when combined with a method for miner voting within a pool (such as GetBlok's proof-of-vote)."


SNISPs are Succinct, Non-Interactive Share Proofs which will allow for accurate and efficient calculations of performed work on the blockchain.

These proofs can be applied to any PoW blockchain. They should allow for the creation of decentralised mining pools with better security assumptions than alternatives like P2Pool, and better scalability than ETH-based SmartPools. They may also be used for other applications which involve measuring performed work (such as direct work-based governance, work-backed assets, etc)

Draft paper


Live @

A UI and website for generating 1010s art pieces so the community will be able to make their own. [Time willing, this entry] will also experiment with SVG format (versus PNG) and enable minting the piece in a connected wallet. Final Report


Live @

Paizo will be an on-chain mining governance simulation tool to help educate miners on how chain governance works. Currently, this information is highly technical and not intuitive to learn for the average user, so we want to make this information simple to understand so miners are empowered to make their voices heard on chain.


Ergo-payroll will be an automated payroll distribution tool for ERGO. Enter your employees, enter the amount (count) in token or the amount of USD in token, enter frequency, and their wallets. Users only need to keep filling up the bank, and the system will take care of the rest.


A decentralised CoinFlip application on Ergo where users can bet on head or tail.

  • Obolflip Client, smart contracts and documentation are now published here
  • Contracts can be reviewed here
  • Client jar can be downloaded here or build it yourself
  • Usage instructions are here

Disclaimer: We did our best, but the contracts are not reviewed yet, so do not bet more than you are willing to lose... well, you might lose it anyway; that's the fun, isn't it?


The DAO-based Ergo Audit Project allows Ergo-community members to audit ecosystem projects or smart contracts for certain rewards. 'Ergo Audit' DAO provides a set of frameworks/templates that helps auditors to make standardised detailed research of a selected project in various categories. The audits will be approved/declined by experienced auditors from DAO members. All accepted audits will visualise the overall statistics of the projects or smart contracts in the ecosystem.


Easy to remember Ergo Names, tackling Multi-Contract Approach, Orphan Request Management, NSFW Engine, Explorer Decouple and Temporary Block. Read more details in the Proposal


SigmaBalls (working name) is an options trading solution for Ergo.


Working on a project that rewards miners with NFTs alongside their Ergo


Enhancing sigma-rust with JIT 5.0 costing.


ERGOHACKFEST (or ERGOHACK IV) was a three-week-long event. To see all the Final Reports, head to the presentations drive.

Below you'll find some additional links and more information for each project.


An intelligence platform for UTXO Blockchains


ColivingDAO aims to facilitate the creation, development, and operations of a global ecosystem of coliving projects.


Working on interactive tutorials for dapp developers with nodejs/javascript stack exclusively



A decentralised ID and governance project. Non-profit with full commitment to Ergo ideals.



A fun project involving ergo and a love for gardening.





This single-member team sought to build a minimum viable product (MVP) of version 2 of the oracle pools as described in EIP-23 and was able to implement three core operations for the pools. They will continue implementing more operations for the pool and get a working pool on testnet.


A Layer-2 Music Launchpad


A decentralised, open source and non-custodial trading platform that offers derivative contracts, trading with leverage and market hedging regarding assets offered on the Ergo blockchain.




The team behind Multisig submitted a proposal to develop a new multi-signature wallet. During ErgoHack Fest, they worked on designing the wallet and completed the ability to sign a multi-sig transaction using a QR code. They then developed a server for communicating data between wallets. Once completed, the team was able to generate a multi-sig transaction successfully.


a decentralised inheritance solution for the Ergo blockchain



Ergonodes uses ErgoSock to crawl the entire Ergo network and map out all the important details about its current state. With the help of Ergonodes, it is easy to find information about the state over time, the state and information of specific nodes and the growth rate. It is an important metric to measure the robustness of the network.

ErgoHack III: Privacy & Security#

ERGOHACK III was our biggest Hackathon yet, with thirteen teams in total participating.






The Delphi Project#

The Delphi Project aims to help anyone explore, run, and launch decentralised oracles on the Ergo blockchain.


A Decentralised Casino on top Ergo.


An MVP for ergo-DNS service to resolve Ergo Names to the wallet addresses.


  • Registration - Ownership of Ergo Names can be established by minting an Ergo Name NFT.
  • Resolution - ergo-DNS service can be used to resolve Ergo Name to Wallet Address where the Ergo Name NFT currently resides.
  • Transfer - When ownership of Ergo Name NFT changes, the resolution changes automatically.

The service is fully decentralised, and all the ownership data is maintained on-chain.


Sky Harbor will be the primary place to quickly buy and sell NFTs on the Ergo blockchain using Ergo Smart Contracts. Connect your wallet and immediately put your NFT up for sale for the price you're looking for, or buy an NFT from our verified collections. It will also be fast and efficient, making it super easy and simple to interact with the blockchain, using databases and the latest infrastructure to make the website blazing fast.


Guapswap is a fully decentralised smart contract profit-swapping service on the Ergo Blockchain.


HYPO10USE joins us again after getting their POC live in ERGOHACKII.

Our Dapp, a game platform to feature various multiplayer games, is still early work in progress. The last Hackathon focused on breaking down game mechanics into the eUTXO model. We found good examples of elaborate use cases, such as the ErgoRaffle example and worked on them. This time we focused mainly on compiling the contracts, building the transactions, and submitting them to the blockchain, which we managed to do after long debugging and troubleshooting sessions.


Ergo-castanet uses Petri Nets to define and validate Smart Contract Protocol specifications (EIP-0006) for creating headless dApps using a Colored Petri Net for Smart Contract orchestration and testing.


This weekend, we released a sneak peek of our front end. Over the weekend, we integrated Yoroi and Nautilus Wallet into the anetaBTC app. Users can connect their Yoroi or Nautilus Wallet and sign transactions. The next step is writing the ErgoScript smart contracts. We were also able to integrate our analytics dashboard into the bridge app, and our developers will soon release our updated analytics page to track the stats of the protocol.

Stealth Addresses#

This Hackathon saw two separate teams working on the stealth address concept first introduced in this forum post

@aragogi - Stealth Scanner project + customised version of mixer in this repo

@_jd_ - adds addSignWithDhtData so user can sign a transaction w/ single dht tuple


With Nautilus nearing the finish line with Ledger, they extended an invitation to help any other projects integrate either Ledger or the dApp connector.


Ledger support was added using the ledgerjs-hw-app-ergo binding library and helped other teams with dApp connector integration

Special thanks to @zuozas for the amazing Ledger illustrations.


Project: Implement Ledger support into Satergo

  • Implemented HID for Nano S and Nano X
  • Implemented Speculos Ledger emulator interface
  • Implemented the Ergo Ledger app protocol in Java
  • Created utils to attest and sign transactions
  • Integrated Ledger support into the program

The Ledger interface library and the Ergo Ledger app protocol are reusable and can easily be integrated into other Java Ergo applications.


SAFEW implemented Ledger support and the beginnings of ErgoMixer support.

ERGOHACK II Social Transformation#


