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Fork your own chain!#

Create your own custom Ergo chain

This guide will walk you through the steps of creating your own fork of the Ergo chain. This enables you to initiate a completely new chain with parameters tailored to your needs.

Generating genesisStateDigestHex#

To mine your own chain, you need to generate the genesisStateDigestHex, which is a Base16 representation of the genesis state roothash.

Follow these steps to configure your chain values in the src/main/resources/testnet.conf file and compile the node to obtain the genesisStateDigestHex.

Compiling the Node#

To compile the node, run the following command:

sbt assembly
Prerequisites: sbt

Before proceeding, ensure that you have sbt installed, which is a build tool for Scala. The easiest way to set up sbt is by using SDKMAN.

curl -s "" | bash 
sdk install sbt

This command will create an ergo.jar file at /target/scala*/ergo-*.jar.


At this stage, your testnet.conf file should have the following configuration:

ergo {
  networkType = "testnet"

  node {
    mining = true
    offlineGeneration = true
    useExternalMiner = false

  chain {
    genesisStateDigestHex = "Still to be generated at this stage"

scorex {
  network {
    bindAddress = ""
    nodeName = "ergo-testnet-5"
    #knownPeers = []

  restApi {
    apiKeyHash = "324dcf027dd4a30a932c441f365a25e86b173defa4b8e58948253471b81b72cf"

Running the Node#

Use the following command to run the node:

java -jar -Xmx4G ergo-*.jar --testnet -c testnet.conf

The console should display a new genesisStateDigestHex value. Copy that value and replace the placeholder text "Still to be generated at this stage" in the testnet.conf file. Remove the "#" characters to uncomment the lines.

Restart your node, and it will start CPU mining its own chain!