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Fork Your Own Ergo Chain#


To start your custom Ergo chain, you need to modify the configuration to ensure it doesn't clash with the Ergo mainnet or public testnet. The key changes involve setting a unique addressPrefix and custom magicBytes.

Here’s an updated configuration for your testnet.conf file:

ergo {
  networkType = "testnet"

  node {
    mining = true
    offlineGeneration = true
    useExternalMiner = false

  chain {
    addressPrefix = 32 #  to avoid address clashing with Ergo mainnet and public testnet

scorex {
  network {
    magicBytes = [2, 0, 4, 8] # custom value to avoid connections with other networks
    bindAddress = ""
    nodeName = "ergo-testnet-5"
    #knownPeers = []

  restApi {
    apiKeyHash = "324dcf027dd4a30a932c441f365a25e86b173defa4b8e58948253471b81b72cf"

Steps to Run the Node#

  1. Set Up the Configuration:

    • Make sure your testnet.conf file is configured as shown above. This will help prevent address clashes with the mainnet and public testnet by using a custom addressPrefix and magicBytes.
  2. Compile the Node:

    • Use the following command to compile the Ergo node:
      sbt assembly
    • This will generate an ergo.jar file at /target/scala*/ergo-*.jar.
  3. Run the Node:

    • Start the node using the command:
      java -jar -Xmx4G ergo-*.jar --testnet -c testnet.conf
  4. Initialize and Unlock the Wallet:

    • Access the panel at to initialize and unlock your wallet. This is necessary as the first blocks will be generated using Autolykos v1.

Additional Support#

For deeper modifications or any questions, you can join the community on:

This setup ensures your custom chain runs independently and avoids conflicts with existing networks.