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Network Messages in Ergo's P2P Protocol#

This document provides a detailed overview of the network messages in Ergo's P2P protocol. Understanding these messages is crucial for interacting with the Ergo network at a low level. Each message in the protocol has a specific format and serves a unique purpose in the communication between nodes.

Message format#

Every message in the P2P protocol has the following format:

Data type Field name Details
byte[4] Magic bytes For the mainnet, the magic bytes are {1, 0, 2, 4}. For testnet, {2, 0, 0, 1}.
unsigned byte Message code One byte describing message type
int Message body length No VLQ or ZigZag encoding is used for the message length (for historical reasons); bytes are coming in big-endian order.
byte[4] Handshake body checksum First four bytes of blake2b256(message body)
byte[bodyLength] Message body Message body


Records are structured data types used in the P2P protocol. They include Peer, Feature, Modifier, and Header records.


Data type Field name Details
unsigned byte Length of next field
UTF-8 String Agent name
byte[3] Version For example, {4, 0, 25}
unsigned byte Length of next field
UTF-8 String Peer name
boolean Whether public address exists
(unsigned byte) Length of the IP plus 4 When decoding, subtract the value with 4 to get the actual length
(byte[ipLength - 4]) The public IP address
(VLQ unsigned int) Port
unsigned byte Count of peer features
Feature[featureCount] Features


Data type Field name
unsigned byte Feature code
VLQ unsigned short Body length
byte[bodyLength] Body

Modifier (Record)#

Data type Field name
byte[32] Modifier ID
VLQ unsigned int Length of object
byte[objectLength] Object
Data type Field name
VLQ unsigned short Length of bytes
byte[length] Bytes


Messages are the primary means of communication between nodes in the P2P network. They include Get Peers, Peers, Sync Info, Inv, Request Modifier, and Modifier messages.

Get Peers#

Code = 1

Body is empty.


Code = 2

Sent in response to Get Peers. Contains all the peers that are currently connected to. Used for node discovery.

Data type Field name
VLQ ZZ int Count of peers
Peer[] Peers

Sync Info#

Sync Info (new)#

Code = 65

Added in 4.0.16. It is sent only to nodes that report a version of or higher than 4.0.16. For older nodes, Sync Info (old) is sent.

Requests an Inv message that provides modifier IDs required to the sender to synchronize his or her blockchain with the recipient. It allows a peer which has been disconnected or started for the first time to get the data it needs to request the blocks it hasn't seen.

Data type Field name
VLQ unsigned short The constant value 0
byte The constant value -1
unsigned byte Count of headers
Header[headerCount] Headers

Sync Info (old)#

Code = 65

The old (before 4.0.16) version of the Sync Info message.

Data type Field name
VLQ unsigned short Count of last header IDs
byte[32][lastHeaderIdCount] Last header IDs (ID byte arrays)


Code = 55

Transmits one or more inventories of objects known to the transmitting peer.

It can be sent unsolicited to announce new transactions or blocks, or it can be sent in reply to a Sync Info message.

Data type Field name
unsigned byte Type ID
VLQ unsigned int Count of elements
byte[32][elementCount] Elements (ID byte arrays)

Request Modifier#

Code = 22

Requests one or more modifiers from another node. The objects are requested by an inventory, which the requesting node typically received previously with an Inv message.

This message cannot be used to request arbitrary data, such as historic transactions no longer in the memory pool. Full nodes may not even be able to provide older blocks if they've pruned old transactions from their block database.

For this reason, this message should usually only be used to request data from a node which previously advertised it had that data by sending an Inv message.

Data type Field name
unsigned byte Modifier type ID
VLQ unsigned int Count of elements
byte[32][elementCount] Elements (ID byte arrays)


Code = 33

Sent in response to Request Modifier.

Data type Field name
unsigned byte Type ID
VLQ unsigned int Count of modifiers
Modifier[modifierCount] Modifiers



Tests for parsing networking messages against test vectors #1264

This PR contains :

  • assert() swapped with require() as the latter is non-elidable
  • unused parameter nextBlockTimestampOpt is removed from HeadersProcessor.requiredDifficultyAfter()

Different test vectors and simple parsers:

  • invalid PoW solution validation test for manually checked test vector
  • handshake parsing test for a test vector (bytes got from a 3.3.6 mainnet node)
  • SyncInfo networking message parsing test (can be used as a simple spec)
  • INV networking message parsing test (can be used as a simple spec)

Demo applications:


A simple implementation of VLQ and ZigZag can be found here, simply use the methods (you do not have to worry about whether it is ZigZag encoded or not).

A complete implementation of the P2P protocol written in Java, Ergonnection.