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Rosen Bridge: Connecting Cardano, Ergo, and Bitcoin#

The Rosen Bridge enables seamless interaction between the Cardano, Ergo, and Bitcoin blockchains. This bridge doesn't facilitate direct swaps between native tokens. Instead, it allows users to convert:

  • ADA into rsADA on the Ergo blockchain
  • ERG into rsERG on the Cardano blockchain
  • BTC into rsBTC on both Ergo and Cardano blockchains

This functionality opens up new possibilities for token holders across these ecosystems.

Supported Tokens#

Token Description Network
ERG Native Ergo token Ergo
ADA Native Cardano token Cardano
BTC Native Bitcoin token Bitcoin
SigUSD / SigRSV Ergo stablecoin and reserve Ergo
RSN Rosen Bridge token Ergo
COMET Ergo ecosystem token Ergo
SPF Spectrum Finance token Ergo
Hosky Cardano meme token Cardano

Ergo Ecosystem Opportunities#

  1. Token Swaps: Use Ergodex to acquire native tokens like rsADA, rsBTC, or rsHOSKY.

  2. Auction House: A decentralized marketplace for NFTs and tokens that now accepts rsADA and rsBTC. List tokens in bulk or make offers.

  3. SigmaFi: A decentralized peer-to-peer bonds market where you can use wrapped tokens as collateral.

  4. DuckPools: Lend rsADA, rsBTC, and other supported tokens.

  5. ErgoMixer: Enhance privacy by mixing your wrapped tokens.

  6. SigmaO: Create American-style call and put options on any wrapped token.

Tip: Low on ERG for transaction fees? Use babel-fees on Ergo to pay transaction fees with native tokens when you don't have enough ERG.

Cardano Ecosystem Opportunities#

  1. Cardano DEXs: Gain exposure to Ergo and Bitcoin bridged tokens on popular Cardano decentralized exchanges: - Spectrum - Minswap - Sundaeswap
  2. Liqwid Finance: Participate in DeFi activities using bridged tokens, including rsERG and rsBTC.
  3. Lenfi: Explore lending and borrowing options with bridged assets.

Future Developments#

As the bridge continues to evolve, we anticipate more integrations and offerings involving rsADA, rsERG, rsBTC, and other bridged tokens. Stay tuned for exciting developments across all three ecosystems!