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Ergo Mosaik: Build, dockerize and deploy#

In our Mosaik tutorial series, we've built a Mosaik app using Spring Boot. It runs perfectly on our local machine, but what we really want is other people enjoying our application. These people might not want to deal with Gradle and Git, so let's see how we can bring our app to them!

All examples here are done to our Mosaik example app we've built in the tutorial series. You can find the repository on GitHub.

Building the jar#

Although we used Kotlin to write parts of our application, it compiles to a plain JAR file - a Java ARchive. That is a good thing: Java is a widely used language for applications and runs on all desktop and server systems. The only prerequisite to run a JAR file is installing a JRE - a Java Runtime Environment - first.

Building the jar file for your Mosaik app based on Spring Boot is quite simple: You do it with the gradlew bootJar command. When this finished, you will find your compiled jar in the build/libs subdirectory. It is named with the project name and version, so in our case it is mosaikapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. Try running it with java -jar mosaikapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar: Your application starts up and the Mosaik app is served on your local network.

You can now give this JAR file to other people to run it, or run it on a server. For running it on a server, it often is needed to pack the application into a Docker container. We'll do that next!

Dockerizing the jar#

Docker is an application to package and run your application within its own predefined container. You already know that you need a JRE to run the application. With Docker, you can build an image with an installed Java and your application, and with predefined commands to run your application. This is not aiming to end users: for end users it is better to download JRE and run your application manually. But on servers, it is very good to have an image defining what to spin up and how, and Docker is usually available. It is also prerequisite to host your application on Flux, which is a natural fit for dAps and Ergo is partnering with.

To dockerize your application, place a plain text file named dockerfile on the root level of your Mosaik app repo (next to gradlew and build.gradle files) with the following content:

    # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
    FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-jammy
    COPY build/libs/mosaikapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
    EXPOSE 8080
    ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]

The first line is defining the docker file syntax and not interesting for us. The second line is the most powerful one: It defines that our Docker image will built up on the definitions of a Docker image called eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-jammy - it is an image shipping a Java 17 JDK. Find more information on the project page.

The third line copies our jar we've built before into the Docker image, and the last line defines running it is the "entry point" to the container image.

Our Spring Boot server runs on port 8080, so line 4 defines that this port is exposed when the image runs in a Docker container.

With this file, we can build a Docker image. You'll need to install Docker on your system for this. You'll find information how to do so on Docker Docs. When Docker is installed, you can build the Docker image with a command like the following

docker build -t mosaikappexample:latest .

Don't miss the last character (point), it defines that docker build runs in the current directory. The -t ... parameter define a name and version tag for our image. When the build completes, you can run your image from Docker Desktop or command line and verify that your application works the same as run directly on your system. You can now push this image to remote Docker repositories to run it on other machines. There is also an official dockerhub repository that you'll need to sign up for and push to to deploy on Flux.

Deploy on Flux#

You can deploy your jar or docker image on any hosting provider. We emphasize Flux here because it is decentralized, can be paid with the Flux cryptocurrency and is very inexpensive for a Mosaik app.

Flux provides a step by step guide how to deploy an example app on their service. Besides the Docker image from the step before, you'll need a Zel ID and around 1 USD in Flux.

Follow the Flux guide to register your app, but take care on the following steps:

Step 1#

App name#

The app name defines on which URL your Mosaik app will be available later. Replace with this URL in your app source before building the Docker image.

Owner / Zel ID#

Don't confuse Zel ID with your ZelCore log in name. You find your Zel ID on the Zel ID app.

Step 2#

Run command#

You can leave it blank, our Docker image already defines its run command.

Step 3#

Public port#

You must enter a port here. Just enter 31000.


Leave it blank

Private ports#

Enter 8080 here, as this was the port our Spring Boot process is listening on.

Step 4#


You can leave it at 3


Your Mosaik app will perform okay on 0.1 processors, but of course it will be three times faster with 0.3 processors. Go for 0.1 if you want it as cheap as possible, or more if you want a better performance.


The Java process will take around 300 MB of RAM, so give it 1000 here to be safe to not run into problems.

SSD space#

Our image is around 750 MB in size, so give it 2 GB here to be safe.

Deploy on other hosters#

If you deployed to other hosters, feel free to enhance this guide.