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Akka Configuration Settings#

The akka configuration settings manage how the application uses the Akka framework, which handles concurrency and actor-based programming in the system. Here, settings related to HTTP server properties and request parsing are covered.

HTTP Server Settings#

The HTTP server settings are located under the http.server category.

Request Timeout#

request-timeout = 1 minute
The request-timeout setting specifies the maximum duration the server will wait for a request to be completed before it times out. In this configuration, the timeout is set to 1 minute. This setting is crucial to prevent the system from waiting indefinitely for a response, which could impact performance or availability.

Maximum Connections#

max-connections = 128
The max-connections setting indicates the maximum number of connections the server can maintain concurrently. In this configuration, the limit is set to 128 connections. This ensures the server can handle multiple requests simultaneously without overloading its resources.

HTTP Request Parsing Settings#

The HTTP request parsing settings are located under the http.parsing category.

Maximum URI Length#

max-uri-length = 8192
The max-uri-length setting determines the maximum length of the URI that the server will accept. In this configuration, the limit is set to 8192 characters. This setting is crucial to prevent potential buffer overflow attacks and keep the server secure.

Full Code Snippet#

akka {
  http {
    server {
      request-timeout = 1 minute
      max-connections = 128
    parsing {
      max-uri-length = 8192

In sum, the akka configuration settings play an essential role in managing server performance, availability, and security. Adjust these settings carefully, considering both your application's requirements and potential risks.