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What we’ll do in this tutorial#

This tutorial will focus on implementing the backend server-side for ErgoPay, building and preparing transactions. We’ll use Spring Boot to implement a simple ErgoPay REST API. Spring has the following benefits why we’ve chosen it here: It’s JVM-based, and ergo-appkit, one of Ergo’s SDKs, is also JVM-based. It’s easy and boilerplate-free, tons of tutorials and information is available, it runs on your local machine with ease. There are both free and paid services to get the application deployed to the public.

Of course, you are free to use any other programming language and framework you are experienced with and adapt the concepts outlined here. We won’t cover the implementation of the UI side of your dApp here, but the code of the ErgoPay showcase dApp is open-sourced and of course, you can use it as you wish.

Starting your Spring Boot project#

Spring provides an IDE, but it is not needed so you can work with the IDE of your choice. You’ll also need to have a Java Development Kit installed. If you don’t have one installed yet, use OpenJDK on Linux or install Adoptium on Windows. Head over and generate a fresh Spring Boot project with the initializr. Change the information in the form as you like, for this tutorial you only need to add the “Spring web” dependency. If you don’t use Eclipse I would also recommend switching to “Gradle project”. Download and extract the generated project and open it with your IDE.

You can start your application with Gradle by typing

./gradlew bootRun // MacOS/Linux
gradlew bootRun   // Windows

This prints out that the server is running on http://localhost:8080/ now. But as we didn’t do something, it’s not of much use, so you can stop it with Ctrl-C. To get more familiar with how a REST API is implemented using Spring, you should now follow the Spring Quick Start and implement the Hello World endpoint before proceeding here.

Adding an ErgoPay request endpoint#

Now it is time to build your first ErgoPay request endpoint. Such an endpoint is a GET REST API method that returns an “ErgoPayResponse” in its response body. ErgoPayResponse is a JSON-based data interchange format between a dApp and a wallet app and is described in Ergo Improvement Proposal 0020.

At first, we need to declare this response data type as a Java Object.

Add the following file to your Spring Boot project:

package org.ergoplatform.ergopay;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;

public class ErgoPayResponse {
    public String message;
    public Severity messageSeverity;
    public String address;
    public String reducedTx;
    public String replyTo;


To send this back as the response body of an endpoint, simply declare this new class as the return type of a RestController method. Spring Boot will automatically handle serialization to JSON format. Such a method could be declared as follows:

public ErgoPayResponse ergoPayError() {
     ErgoPayResponse response = new ErgoPayResponse();
     response.messageSeverity = ErgoPayResponse.Severity.ERROR;
     response.message = "Nothing implemented yet.";
     return response;

This is already a valid ErgoPay response and endpoint. It does not serve a transaction, but will only present an error message to the users in their wallet apps. If you start your Spring Boot application now and open http://localhost:8080/ergopay in your local web browser, you’ll see the JSON response in your browser. Use the endpoint from the wallet application

It’s all good to see the response in your browser, but of course you want to see this in a wallet app. If you have a mobile device with the Ergo wallet app 1.6 or higher installed and it is connected to the same network than the machine running the Spring Boot application, you can test this. Generally, you just need to replace the “http(s)” prefix with “ergopay” and wrap the URL into a QR code to scan it with the wallet app. In this specific case, you must also replace “localhost” (which is only correct on the same machine) with the IP address of your computer within the network. So the URL wrapped into the QR code should look something like this:


Now generate a QR code from this URL, for example on Make sure to generate a static URL. Scan it; when everything worked well, you’ll see the error message we defined above in the wallet app.

Building and reducing a transaction#

The spice of ErgoPay is building a transaction on the dApp side and let the user sign it. For this, ErgoPayResponse has a field “reducedTx”. But how to build a transaction and “reduce” it? For this, we need to integrate the Ergo SDK into our Spring Boot project. To pull in the SDK, edit the build.gradle file of your Spring project and add the following line in the dependencies section, right below the spring-boot-starter-web dependency declaration:

dependencies {
   implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
*  implementation 'org.ergoplatform:ergo-appkit_2.11:4.0.6'

   testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'

When this is done, you can add the following helper method that builds a transaction for sending a certain amount of nanoERG from “sender” to “recipient”:

    // This function takes in boolean, long, address of sender and address of recipient
    // and returns a reduced transaction object.
    private ReducedTransaction getReducedSendTx(boolean isMainNet, long amountToSend, Address sender, Address recipient) {
        // Determine the network type
        NetworkType networkType = isMainNet ? NetworkType.MAINNET : NetworkType.TESTNET;
        // Create a REST API client with default explorer url
        return RestApiErgoClient.create(
        ).execute(ctx -> {
            // Create a new Ergo contract with the recipient's Ergo address
            ErgoTreeContract contract = new ErgoTreeContract(recipient.getErgoAddress().script());
            // Create an unsigned transaction to put the given amount of funds to the contract
            UnsignedTransaction unsignedTransaction = BoxOperations.putToContractTxUnsigned(ctx,
                    contract, amountToSend, Collections.emptyList());
            // Use a new prover builder to build the transaction and reduce it
            return ctx.newProverBuilder().build().reduce(unsignedTransaction, 0);

    // Constants for mainnet and testnet nodes
    public static final String NODE_MAINNET = "";
    public static final String NODE_TESTNET = "";

    // Get the default node URL based on the network type
    private static String getDefaultNodeUrl(boolean mainNet) {
        return mainNet ? NODE_MAINNET : NODE_TESTNET;

Of course, you should change the node address to your own node you run for your dApp.

If you take a look at the source of included in appkit, you’ll see how the called putToContractTxUnsigned method works: it fetches and selects the available unspent boxes for the given sender address and constructs the unsigned transaction by adding the input boxes and defining three output boxes: The box storing amountToSend for the recipient, a box for the transaction fee, and a change box returning the contents of the input boxes that shouldn’t be sent to the recipient. You are free to come up with completely own code here. This tutorial focuses on communicating with the wallet app and we’ll only use this send transaction, but you can take a look at the appkit Getting started guide to get more ideas.

Now, all we have to do is add a method that wraps this helper method into a GET request REST API endpoint returning an ErgoPayResponse. We can do it like this:

    public ErgoPayResponse roundTrip(@PathVariable String address) {
        // sends 1 ERG around to and from the address

        ErgoPayResponse response = new ErgoPayResponse();

        try {
            boolean isMainNet = isMainNetAddress(address);
            long amountToSend = 1000L * 1000L * 1000L;
            Address sender = Address.create(address);
            Address recipient = Address.create(address);

            byte[] reduced = getReducedSendTx(isMainNet, amountToSend, sender, recipient).toBytes();

            response.reducedTx = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(reduced);
            response.address = address;
            response.message = "Here is your 1 ERG round trip.";
            response.messageSeverity = ErgoPayResponse.Severity.INFORMATION;

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            response.messageSeverity = ErgoPayResponse.Severity.ERROR;
            response.message = (t.getMessage());

        return response;

Our endpoint only expects a single parameter: an address. We use this address to construct a transaction to sent 1 ERG (= 10⁹ nanoERG) to and from (lines 9 to 13). This transaction gets serialized and Base64 Url-encoded and is added to the response in line 15, along with an informative message for the user (lines 17/18). It is important to catch all exceptions that could be thrown and use the error messages in the response back to the user. For example, an exception will be thrown for every address that does not have enough balance to send 1 ERG. When you catch the exception like this, the user will get the error message presented — not a very beautiful one, there is lots of space left to polish this for a professional dApp. But if you don’t catch the error here, Spring will respond to the requesting wallet app with a server error, and you can place all bets that this will be more ugly for end users and won’t make your dApp look professional. When you now try this endpoint manually, you’ll need to add a testnet or mainnet address:


When trying the endpoint with your wallet app, you don’t need to do this — ErgoPay defines a placeholder that wallet applications fill with the address a user-selected. Wrap an address like this into a QR code to try:


You’ll notice that this is enough and you can sign and send the transaction from the wallet app.

Going further#

Now it’s time to start experimenting with building other types of transactions.

Also check out the ErgoPay example server project — its file defines some more endpoints: minting tokens, burning tokens, and spending a specific box.

You can also just use the getReducedSendTx method to issue payments on behalf of the user to yourself, for example as a payment service. The great thing is that you know the transaction id beforehand: every detail of the transaction is already known when the Reduced Transaction is built, and you can save this transaction id in your backend db and monitor the blockchain to observe when the payment was made to proceed with delivering the goods or services the user paid for. You know enough now to build something like the token minter and box spender of the ErgoPay showcase app. For the token burner, we need one more feature: Connecting a wallet to the dApp UI.

Connect a wallet to your UI#

Connecting a wallet is not needed in general, as you’ve seen: for a payment or minting a token, you don’t need to know the user’s wallet address to collect or validate the data from the user. It is enough to know the address when the transaction is built on request of the wallet app. But for specific use cases, you might need the wallet address more early: The showcase dApp ships a token burner example. For showing the list of owned tokens to choose from, connecting a wallet is needed before the actual transaction is built.

Indeed, we can obtain the address with all ErgoPay ingredients we already learned about. But we need to introduce some kind of session management on the dApp backend. Chances are high that you already have some kind of session running for the user. For example if your dApp is a web shop, you probably already store the items added to the cart.

But if you don’t have any type of session management running, we’ll implement the simplest kind of it now: every user of your dApp has a unique ID (“uuid”) that is randomly chosen by your frontend UI. This uuid is used as a session id. On the backend, we store a user’s P2PK address mapped to this id. Our backend needs two API endpoints: one for the wallet app to send a user’s address to store it attached to the uuid, and one for the frontend UI to request if the user address is set.

The following two methods do this:

    public String getUserAddress(@PathVariable String sessionId) {
        UserData userData = sessionService.getUserData(sessionId);

        return (userData.p2pkAddress != null) ? userData.p2pkAddress : "";

    public ErgoPayResponse setAddress(@PathVariable String sessionId, @PathVariable String address) {
        UserData userData = sessionService.getUserData(sessionId);

        ErgoPayResponse response = new ErgoPayResponse();

        // check the address
        try {
            boolean isMainNet = isMainNetAddress(address);

            response.address = address;
            userData.p2pkAddress = address;
            response.message = "Connected to your address " + address + ".\n\nYou can now continue using the dApp.";
            response.messageSeverity = ErgoPayResponse.Severity.INFORMATION;

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            response.messageSeverity = ErgoPayResponse.Severity.ERROR;
            response.message = (t.getMessage());

        return response;

We don’t cover the exact implementation of the SessionService here. In our example, it is just holding a HashMap that gets invalidated after some time. This works for a simple backend and for our demonstration purpose, but you should rely on better session management implementations when using it for a dApp that is under real pressure. The whole point is that it connects your frontend UI session with the user’s wallet application.

Now when you need the user to connect a wallet to your dApp UI, you need to present a waiting UI with a QR code. This QR code contains the ErgoPay endpoint URL to set the user’s address. In our example, it would be


Remember, “#P2PK_ADDRESS#” is a placeholder that will be replaced by the wallet app. The session id needs to be set by your frontend. This ErgoPay URL makes the wallet app call the setAddress endpoint method with the necessary data, and on next call to the getUserAddress endpoint, your frontend UI will obtain the user’s address. It’s as simple as that. :-)

Your dApp UI on the same device as the wallet app#

We assumed that the user visits your dApp on a desktop and uses the wallet application on mobile, so we only talked about QR codes containing the ErgoPay URLs. This won’t work when users visit your dApp on the same device that the wallet app is running on — they simply can’t scan a QR code from the same device. Fortunately, you can simply show the ErgoPay URLs as a link for these users. If the user has a compatible wallet app installed, clicking or tapping such a link will open the wallet application processing the ErgoPay request.


You’ve learned to build an ErgoPay capable backend in this tutorial. You’ll find this as a full example on GitHub. It is also deployed on Heroku, a free hosting service for web apps that you can use to start off with your own projects.