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The following tutorial is written for Linux; see this page if you're using Windows 10

Download miningcore#

Install and configure PostgreSQL#

If you are deploying in production, you need to be careful on I/O and disk/CPU/memory as a public Miningcore API will pound on your database. Keep all things default for now; here's a good simple article

Installing Miningcore will depend if you are on Windows or Linux. Pay close attention to the dependencies needed as depicted in the README. Stay away from docker unless you're sure.

Load the schema#

Miningcore operates under the schema miningcore by default.

Login to Postgres

sudo -u postgres psql

Create schema

CREATE ROLE miningcore WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your-secure-password';
CREATE DATABASE miningcore OWNER miningcore;

Load the schema.

You MUST be able to connect to your database with the psql command before trying this.

As the Postgres operating system user, run:

psql -d miningcore -f miningcore/src/Miningcore/Persistence/Postgres/Scripts/createdb.sql

Apply partitions for the shares table.

Do this upfront even if you don't think you will need it:

psql -d miningcore -f miningcore/src/Miningcore/Persistence/Postgres/Scripts/createdb_postgresql_11_appendix.sql

Create your new pool.

You do this ONCE for each new pool you create.

CREATE TABLE shares_mypool1 PARTITION OF shares FOR VALUES IN ('mypool1');

mypool1 becomes the unique identifier for your pool. Name it wisely

Configure a pool config named .json, and place it in the build directory of miningcore. Here's a sample file to use (extract the GZ and make sure its named .json)

Start the pool#

You should configure it to auto-start via a startup script.

cd build
Miningcore -c <your config>.json

We use a different pool-specific startup configuration, so you may have to play around with it. The JSON config specifies the log files you should look at for startup errors/issues/etc. If you got this far, below is the startup log message you should get indicating you are running a healthy miningcore ergo pool:

Indicates your Node is online and synced

[2022-03-16 14:26:12.9080] [I] [ergo1] All daemons online
[2022-03-16 14:26:12.9345] [I] [ergo1] Daemon is synced with blockchain

Indicates Pool is online

[2022-03-16 14:26:14.4346] [I] [ergo1] Pool Online
Indicates the diff setting, your fee, and that its a go:
Mining Pool:            <YOUR POOL NAME>
Coin Type:              ERG [ERG]
Network Connected:      <testnet|mainnet>
Detected Reward Type:   POW
Current Block Height:   <BLOCKHEIGHT>
Current Connect Peers:  5
Network Difficulty:     <NETWORK DIFF>
Network Hash Rate:      <NETWORK HASHRATE>
Stratum Port(s):        3056, 4056, 3156, 4156  <THIS SHOULD BE THE PORTS YOU HAVE CONFIGURED>
Pool Fee:               <YOUR FEE>

Pay close attention to the stats above in regards to the network. If your diff setting is wrong, the network difficulty won't be right.

If you host your miner, pool, or node on separate machines, you'll need to open ports to allow that traffic.

Illustration of initial mining traffic:

  • Miner ->
    • (connects on your defined Stratum port i.e. 3746) ->
  • pool server ->
    • connects to node RPC (9053, mainnet or 9052, testnet) ->
  • node

Once connections are established, traffic becomes bi-directional.

You will not need to open ports if any of the above layers are on the same machine. Internal traffic runs via the internal loop (localhost).

Typically, machines block incoming traffic (but allow outgoing) by default. If you're testing on LAN, you'll need to open these ports on your OS's firewall. But when you get to WAN, you'll additionally need to set up port forwarding on your network router.