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ErgoScript is a super-simple subset of Scala. It is a top-level language translated into a low-level language called ErgoTree, which is translated during execution into cryptographic protocol. That's how Ergo supports ring and threshold signatures and much more crypto protocols with no special cases made in the core!

Sigma Protocols

Ergo's support for sigma-protocols (aka generalized Schnorr proofs) are truly unique as building blocks for composable statements. Schnorr protocols and proof-of-Diffie-Hellman-tuples are supported by default, with more options available that the community can add via soft forks.

ErgoScript is built considering Bitcoin’s security and privacy to make all kinds of complex financial contracts accessible. In comparison, Bitcoin’s design doesn’t allow loops or building any complex smart contracts on top of it. ErgoScript allows for self-replication; therefore, we can use it to create Turing-Complete processes in a blockchain.

Background Reading
What are the key aspects of the Ergo contract model that make it different?

The account model of Ethereum is imperative. This means that the typical task of sending coins from Alice to Bob requires changing the balances in storage as a series of operations. Ergo's UTXO-based programming model, on the other hand, is declarative. ErgoScript contracts specify conditions for a transaction to be accepted by the blockchain (not changes to be made in the storage state due to the contract execution).


In the account model of Ethereum, both storage changes and validity checks are performed on-chain during code execution. In contrast, Ergo transactions are created off-chain, and only validation checks are performed on-chain, thus reducing the number of operations performed by every node on the network. In addition, due to the immutability of the transaction graph, various optimization strategies can improve the throughput of transactions per second in the network. Light verifying nodes are also possible, thus further facilitating scalability and accessibility of the network.

Shared state#

The account-based model relies on the shared mutable state, which is known to lead to complex semantics (and subtle million-dollar bugs) in the context of concurrent/ distributed computation. Ergo's model is based on an immutable graph of transactions. This approach, inherited from Bitcoin, plays well with blockchains' concurrent and distributed nature and facilitates light trustless clients.

Expressive Power#

Ethereum advocated the execution of a Turing-complete language on the blockchain. It theoretically promised unlimited potential; however, severe limitations came to light from excessive blockchain bloat, subtle multi-million dollar bugs, gas costs that limit contract complexity, and other such problems. Ergo on the flip side, extends UTXO to enable Turing completeness while limiting the complexity of the ErgoScript language itself. The same expressive power is achieved differently and more semantically soundly.

Simple Example

if (HEIGHT < 100000) alicePubKey else bobPubKey
  1. Allows Only Alice to spend a box before a certain height
  2. Allows Only Bob to spend the box after that.

Key Concepts

Explore the Core Concepts of ErgoScript.

Context Claims

Ergo offers a unique approach to smart contract-enabled blockchains, providing efficient global context claims through the concept of data inputs.

ErgoScript vs ErgoTree

ErgoScript is a high-level developer-friendly language for writing smart contracts that are then compiled to ErgoTree before being written to the blockchain. Explore the distinction here

Getting Started

Please see this Quick Primer on ErgoScript for an overview of key concepts and some basic examples.