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ErgoTree Evaluation#

\[ \newcommand{\TEnv}{\Gamma} \newcommand{\Der}[2]{#1~\vdash~#2} \newcommand{\DerV}[2]{#1~\vdash^{\text{\lst{v}}}~#2} \newcommand{\DerC}[2]{#1~\vdash^{\text{\lst{c}}}~#2} \newcommand{\DerEnv}[1]{\Der{\TEnv}{#1}} \newcommand{\DerEnvV}[1]{\DerV{\TEnv}{#1}} \newcommand{\DerEnvC}[1]{\DerC{\TEnv}{#1}} \newcommand{\lst}[1]{#1} \newcommand{\Tup}[1]{(#1)} \newcommand{\Apply}[2]{#1\langle#2\rangle} \newcommand{\MSig}[3]{\text{def}~#1(#2): #3} \newcommand{\Ov}[1]{\overline{#1}} \newcommand{\TyLam}[3]{\lambda(\Ov{#1:#2}).#3} \newcommand{\Trait}[2]{\text{trait}~#1~\{ #2 \}} \newcommand{\To}{\mapsto} \newcommand{\Low}[1]{\mathcal{L}{[\![#1]\!]}} \newcommand{\Lam}[2]{\lambda#1.#2} \newcommand{\IfThenElse}[3]{\text{if}~(#1)~#2~\text{else}~#3} \newcommand{\False}{\text{false}} \newcommand{\True}{\text{true}} \newcommand{\langname}{ErgoTree} \newcommand{\corelang}{Core-\lambda} \newcommand{\Denot}[1]{[\![#1]\!]} \]

Evaluation of \(\langname\) is specified by its translation to \(\corelang\), whose terms form a subset of \(\langname\) terms. Thus, typing rules of \(\corelang\) form a subset of typing rules of \(\langname\).

Here we specify evaluation semantics of \(\corelang\), which is based on call-by-value (CBV) lambda calculus. Evaluation of \(\corelang\) is specified using denotational semantics. To do that, we first specify denotations of types, then typed terms and then equations of denotational semantics.

Definition 1

The following \(\corelang\) terms are called values:

\[V :== x \mid C(d, T) \mid \Lam{x}{M}\]

All \(\corelang\) terms are called producers. (This is because, when evaluated, they produce a value.)

We now describe and explain a denotational semantics for the \(\corelang\) language. The key principle is that each type \(A\) denotes a set \(\Denot{A}\) whose elements are the denotations of values of the type \(A\).

Thus the type \(\lst{Boolean}\) denotes the 2-element set \(\{\lst{true},\lst{false}\}\), because there are two values of type \(\lst{Boolean}\). Likewise the type \((T_1,\dots,T_n)\) denotes \((\Denot{T_1},\dots,\Denot{T_n})\) because a value of type \((T_1,\dots,T_n)\) must be of the form \((V_1,\dots,V_n)\), where each \(V_i\) is value of type \(T_i\).

Given a value \(V\) of type \(A\), we write \(\Denot{V}\) for the element of \(A\) that it denotes. Given a close term \(M\) of type \(A\), we recall that it produces a value \(V\) of type \(A\). So \(M\) will denote an element \(\Denot{M}\) of \(\Denot{A}\).

A value of type \(A \to B\) is of the form \(\Lam{x}{M}\). This, when applied to a value of type \(A\) gives a value of type \(B\). So \(A \to B\) denotes \(\Denot{A} \to \Denot{B}\). It is true that the syntax appears to allow us to apply \(\Lam{x}{M}\) to any term \(N\) of type \(A\). But \(N\) will be evaluated before it interracts with \(\Lam{x}{M}\), so \(\Lam{x}{M}\) is really only applied to the value that \(N\) produces.

Definition 2

A context \(\Gamma\) is a finite sequence of identifiers with valuetypes \(x_1:A_1, \dots ,x_n:A_n\). Sometimes we omit the identifiers and write \(\Gamma\) as a list of value types.

  • Given a context \(\Gamma = x_1:A_1,\dots,x_n:A_n\), an environment (list of bindings for identifiers) associates to each \(x_i\) as value of type \(A_i\). So the environment denotes an element of \((\Denot{A_1},\dots,\Denot{A_n})\), and we write \(\Denot{\Gamma}\) for this set.
  • Given a \(\corelang\) term \(\DerEnv{M: B}\), we see that \(M\), together with environment, gives a closed term of type \(B\). So \(M\) denotes a function \(\Denot{M}\) from \(\Denot{\Gamma}\) to \(\Denot{B}\).

In summary, the denotational semantics is organized as follows.

  • A type \(A\) denotes a set \(\Denot{A}\)
  • A context \(x_1:A_1,\dots,x_n:A_n\) denotes the set \((\Denot{A_1},\dots,\Denot{A_n})\)
  • A term \(\DerEnv{M: B}\) denotes a function \(\Denot{M}\): \(\Denot{\Gamma} \to \Denot{B}\)

The denotations of \(\corelang\) types

\[\Denot{\lst{Boolean}} = \{ \lst{true}, \lst{false} \}\]
\[\Denot{\lst{P}} = \text{see set of values in Appendix A}\]
\[\Denot{(T_1,\dots,T_n)} = (\Denot{T_1},\dots,\Denot{T_n}) \]
\[\Denot{A \to B} = \Denot{A} \to \Denot{B}\]

The denotations of \(\corelang\) terms which together specify the function \(\Denot{\_}: \Denot{\Gamma} \to \Denot{T}\)

\[\Apply{ \Denot{\lst{x}} }{(\rho,\lst{x}\mapsto x, \rho')} = x\]
\[\Apply{ \Denot{C(d, T)} }{\rho} = d\]
\[\Apply{ \Denot{(\Ov{M_i})} }{\rho} = (\Ov{ \Apply{\Denot{M_i}}{\rho} })\]
\[\Apply{ \Denot{\Apply{\delta}{N}} }{\rho} = \Apply{ (\Apply{\Denot{\delta}}{\rho}) }{ v }~where~v = \Apply{\Denot{N}}{\rho}\]
\[\Apply{ \Denot{\Lam{\lst{x}}{M}} }{\rho} = \Lam{x}{ \Apply{\Denot{M}}{(\rho, \lst{x}\mapsto x)} }\]
\[\Apply{ \Denot{\Apply{M_f}{N}} }{\rho} = \Apply{ (\Apply{\Denot{M_f}}{\rho}) }{ v }~where~v = \Apply{\Denot{N}}{\rho}\]
\[\Apply{ \Denot{\Apply{M_I.\lst{m}}{\Ov{N_i}} } }{\rho} = \Apply{ (\Apply{\Denot{M_I}}{\rho}).m }{ \Ov{v_i} }~where~\Ov{v_i = \Apply{\Denot{N_i}}{\rho}}\]