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ChainCash: A Practical Approach to Elastic Money Creation with Trust and Blockchain Assets#


ChainCash is a decentralized monetary system that enables flexible money creation by combining trust and blockchain-backed assets. It operates on the Ergo blockchain, allowing users to create and manage digital currency securely, adaptably, and transparently.

Traditional financial systems often suffer from centralization, high costs, and limited access, while cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin face price volatility and inelastic supply. ChainCash addresses these issues by introducing an elastic money supply system that adjusts to economic conditions through a combination of trust and blockchain reserves, ensuring a stable, decentralized, and efficient financial ecosystem.

This article explains ChainCash's functionality, explores practical applications, and provides links to technical documentation for deeper insights. For more detailed information, refer to the ChainCash whitepaper or the ChainCash server documentation.

Motivation and Evolution of Money#

The Need for Elastic Money#

The current cryptocurrency landscape faces significant challenges, particularly with the inelastic supply of blockchain assets like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This inelasticity creates volatility and limits the practical use of cryptocurrencies in the real economy. The supply of these assets is often disconnected from economic activity, which hinders their potential as a reliable medium of exchange.

Algorithmic stablecoins attempt to address this issue by using over-collateralization, but their supply is still tied to the underlying cryptocurrency, which limits their scalability for real-world economic needs. On the other hand, centralized stablecoins reintroduce the problem of centralization, which goes against the decentralized principles of blockchain technology.

Evolution of Money#

Historically, money has evolved from primitive forms, such as barter and commodity money, to more advanced systems like metal coins, paper money, and eventually, fiat currencies. Initially, paper money was backed by tangible assets like gold, but over time, this backing was removed, leading to the rise of fiat money, which is only backed by the trust in the issuing government.

Cryptocurrencies represent the latest step in this evolution, often considered a form of "digital gold." However, their adoption as a medium of exchange has been limited by their price volatility and fixed supply. ChainCash seeks to continue this evolution by creating a digital form of paper money (IOU notes) backed by blockchain assets, allowing for an elastic money supply that can adapt to economic needs.

ChainCash's Role in the Evolution#

ChainCash aims to bridge the gap between digital commodities, like cryptocurrencies, and the need for an elastic money supply. By enabling the issuance of digital IOU notes in a peer-to-peer environment, ChainCash replicates early paper money systems but with the added benefits of blockchain transparency and smart contract guarantees.

In the 21st century, digital peer-to-peer networks allow anyone to join and leave the ChainCash network at any time. Participants can hold reserves in various digital tokens and issue notes with or without backing. The system allows for notes to be accepted or rejected based on the perceived trust and collateral behind them.

ChainCash provides a modern implementation of historical free banking systems, where multiple banks issued their own notes backed by their reserves. With the transparency and security of blockchain technology, ChainCash enables a decentralized, trust-based monetary system that adapts to the needs of its users.

Watch the presentations

ChainCash | Ergo Summit - Cypherpunk Finance ChainCash - part II - Alex Chepurnoy

Join the ChainCash Experiment! Calling All Monetary Hackers

ChainCash is now ready for real-world experimentation, and we invite monetary hackers and developers to dive into this groundbreaking system. With the recent success of the first ChainCash transactions via the server API and ongoing developments, including the testing of new note contract extensions, there's a unique opportunity for innovators to test, tweak, and expand the functionality of ChainCash.

Recent experiments have explored the potential to integrate Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as control inputs in note contracts. This could impose specific limitations or unlock additional capabilities for ChainCash notes, bringing the full spectrum of Ergo’s contractual layer capabilities into play. Discussions are also ongoing about using ChainCash for community currencies, carbon credits, and other innovative applications.

Here are the details of the first transactions:

  1. Reserve Mint: View on Ergo Explorer
  2. Note Mint: View on Ergo Explorer
  3. Note Spending: View on Ergo Explorer

These transactions mark the beginning of ChainCash's operational phase, and now is the perfect time to get involved.

To start experimenting:

  1. Set Up the ChainCash Server:

  2. Clone the ChainCash server repository from GitHub:

    git clone

  3. Navigate to the project directory and build the server using Cargo, the Rust package manager:
    cd chaincash-rs
    cargo build --release
  4. Start the server with:


  5. Configure the Acceptance Predicate:

    • The server allows you to define acceptance rules through a TOML-based configuration. This includes setting up whitelists, blacklists, and collateralization levels that determine which notes your server will accept. For more information, refer to the ChainCash Server Documentation.
  6. Interact with the API:

    • Use the API to create reserves, issue notes, and execute transactions. The API provides functions for accepting or rejecting payments, querying account states, and more. Explore the API endpoints by reviewing the server implementation.
  7. Prototype Development:

    • Some prototype code for on-chain data tracking and transaction building is available in the offchain folder. This code can help you understand how ChainCash processes transactions.
  8. Contribute to the Codebase:

    • If you have ideas for improving ChainCash, consider contributing to the open-source codebase on GitHub. Your contributions can help shape the future of decentralized finance.
  9. Engage with the Community:

    • Join discussions with other developers and innovators in the ChainCash community. Share your experiences, collaborate on projects, and help drive the system forward.

ChainCash Overview#

ChainCash is designed to create a peer-to-peer monetary system that is both flexible and secure. By allowing individuals and businesses to issue their own currency backed by digital assets or trust, ChainCash offers a decentralized approach to money creation. This system leverages the transparency of blockchain technology, combined with the historical concept of free banking, to enable the creation of a resilient, adaptable financial network.

Benefits of ChainCash#

ChainCash offers several advantages over traditional and cryptocurrency-based systems:

  • Flexibility: ChainCash allows for an elastic money supply that adjusts to economic needs.
  • Stability: The value of ChainCash notes is supported by a combination of reserves and trust, providing a stable currency.
  • Decentralization: There is no central authority, reducing the risk of manipulation.
  • Accessibility: ChainCash makes financial services available to individuals and businesses worldwide, including those without access to traditional banking.
  • Efficiency: By using blockchain technology, ChainCash reduces transaction costs and improves transaction speed.

Real-World Applications#

Local Economies
  • Community Currencies: Local communities can create their own currencies backed by collective assets, promoting local trade.
  • SME Support: Small and medium-sized enterprises can use ChainCash for flexible financing and trade.

Example: A town creates a local currency using ChainCash, backed by local businesses and residents, to stimulate the local economy.

International Trade
  • Cross-Border Payments: ChainCash enables efficient international transactions without reliance on traditional banking systems.
  • Trade Settlements: Businesses can use ChainCash for quick, secure settlement of trade invoices.

Example: An exporter and importer in different countries use ChainCash for faster and cheaper cross-border transactions.

Financial Inclusion
  • Banking for the Unbanked: Individuals without access to traditional banking can participate in the financial system through ChainCash.
  • Peer-to-Peer Lending: ChainCash supports microfinance and peer lending, providing secure platforms for fund transfers and credit assessments.

Example: Farmers in a remote area access microloans through ChainCash to purchase seeds and equipment.

Supply Chains
  • Streamlined Payments: Suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers use ChainCash for timely payments, reducing delays and disputes.
  • Asset Tracking: The blockchain records help in tracking goods and verifying transactions throughout the supply chain.

Example: A global corporation manages payments across its supply chain using ChainCash, ensuring transparency and efficiency.

Practical Examples#

International Trade: A Gold-Backed Currency in Ghana


A small gold mining cooperative in Ghana wants to trade internationally but faces challenges due to currency conversion fees and trust issues. They decide to issue ChainCash notes backed by their gold reserves.

How It Works:

  • Issuing Gold-Backed Notes: The cooperative tokenizes its gold reserves into digital notes using ChainCash. These notes represent the value of gold and can be used as a medium of exchange.
  • Acceptance and Circulation: The Ghanaian government accepts these notes as payment for taxes, which legitimizes them. The government then uses the notes to purchase oil from a Saudi supplier, who, in turn, uses the notes to buy machinery from a Chinese manufacturer.
  • Global Trading: The Chinese manufacturer now holds a note backed by gold, oil, and the Ghanaian government’s trust. If they wish, they can redeem it for gold or continue to trade it within the international market.

Why It’s Compelling:

This use case demonstrates how ChainCash can facilitate international trade by creating a trusted, asset-backed digital currency that reduces currency conversion fees and enhances global trust. It shows the potential of ChainCash to create a new, more efficient system for cross-border transactions.

Decentralized Content Creation Platform


Imagine a decentralized content creation platform where writers, artists, and musicians are paid directly by their audience using ChainCash. The platform, let’s call it "CreativeFlow," allows creators to issue notes backed by their future content output or existing works.

How It Works:

  • Issuing Content-Backed Notes: Creators lock a portion of their cryptocurrency earnings into a reserve and issue notes that promise exclusive access to their future work, early releases, or special editions.
  • Fan Support: Fans purchase these notes, which give them access to the creator’s content. For example, a musician might issue notes that grant access to a limited-edition album or a writer might offer a note that allows early access to a novel.
  • Trading and Community Building: These notes can be traded among fans or sold on secondary markets, allowing fans to invest in the creator’s future success or trade exclusive access.
  • Redemption: When the content is released, note holders can redeem their notes for the promised access or continue trading them if the content becomes highly sought after.

Why It’s Compelling:

This platform empowers creators to directly monetize their work while building a strong, engaged community. It eliminates the need for traditional middlemen, giving more power to creators and their fans while fostering a decentralized content economy.

Crowdfunding an Indie Game with ChainCash

Scenario: A small indie game developer is building a much-anticipated game. They want to fund the development directly through their fanbase, avoiding traditional crowdfunding platforms that take significant fees and impose strict rules.

How It Works:

  • Issuing Notes: The indie game developer locks a portion of their Ether (ETH) into a ChainCash reserve and issues digital notes representing exclusive in-game assets like rare skins, unique characters, or early access to the game.
  • Community Engagement: Fans purchase these notes using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) or ETH. Each note represents a tangible reward within the game, and they can be traded or sold within the community.
  • Liquidity and Flexibility: These notes can be traded on secondary markets, allowing fans to sell their notes if they choose or acquire others they may have missed. This creates a liquid, community-driven economy around the game before it even launches.
  • Redemption: Once the game is released, note holders can redeem their notes for the in-game assets, or they can choose to hold onto them as collectibles or trade them with other players.

Why It's Compelling:

This approach allows the indie game developer to raise funds directly from their community while offering tangible rewards that engage fans. It also avoids high platform fees and empowers fans to actively participate in the game's development and ecosystem.

ChainCash-Powered Exclusive Experiences at a Tech/Cultural Festival

At a major international tech and cultural festival, organizers want to introduce a unique, crypto-driven experience. To create buzz and offer something exclusive to tech-savvy attendees, they partner with ChainCash to create a decentralized, pop-up experience that blends cutting-edge technology with exclusive festival perks.

How It Works:

  1. Issuing Festival Tokens:

    • Exclusive Festival Currency: Attendees who sign up for the ChainCash experience receive limited-edition festival tokens via airdrop. These tokens are minted on the Ergo blockchain and are only available to festival-goers who register in advance or win them through pre-festival contests.
    • Digital Collectibles: Each token is tied to an exclusive NFT, representing limited festival experiences, such as front-row seats to concerts, backstage access, or meet-and-greets with artists and influencers.
  2. Unlocking Exclusive Experiences:

    • Pop-Up Events: Throughout the festival, secret pop-up events are announced exclusively to token holders. These could be anything from private performances by big-name artists to intimate tech talks by industry leaders, accessible only by presenting a ChainCash token.
    • NFT-Based Perks: Holders of certain NFTs linked to their festival tokens can unlock unique perks, such as priority entry to events, exclusive merchandise, or even virtual reality experiences that are only available during the festival.
  3. Trading and Networking:

    • Social Currency: The festival tokens quickly become a social currency within the event. Attendees trade tokens and NFTs to gain access to different experiences, creating a buzz around what each token unlocks.
    • Marketplace: A digital marketplace is set up for attendees to trade or auction their tokens and NFTs, allowing for dynamic exchanges and fostering connections between festival-goers who share interests.
  4. Post-Festival Engagement:

    • Token Redemption: After the festival, tokens can be redeemed for exclusive digital content, such as unreleased music tracks, behind-the-scenes footage, or commemorative NFTs that serve as a lasting memory of the event.
    • Future Perks: Attendees who hold onto their tokens might receive early access or discounts for next year's festival or other partnered events, keeping them engaged with the brand long after the event ends.

Why It's Exciting:

  1. Blending Physical and Digital Worlds:

    • This use of ChainCash merges the physical festival experience with the digital realm, creating a hybrid event where the value of participation extends beyond the festival itself. It's a pioneering move that bridges the gap between real-world events and the emerging digital economy.
  2. Exclusivity and Buzz:

    • The limited nature of the tokens and the exclusivity of the experiences they unlock create a sense of urgency and desirability. This drives engagement and adds a layer of excitement as attendees seek out the most valuable or intriguing experiences.
  3. Interactive and Engaging:

    • The ability to trade tokens and NFTs on-site fosters an interactive community within the festival. It turns attendees into active participants in the event's economy, encouraging networking and collaboration in a fun, gamified way.
  4. Lasting Impact:

    • The post-festival utility of the tokens ensures that the ChainCash experience doesn't end when the event does. Whether through redeeming for digital content or gaining access to future events, the tokens have lasting value, keeping participants engaged long-term.
  5. Showcasing Crypto's Potential:

    • This setup provides a real-world use case for blockchain technology that is both accessible and innovative. It introduces attendees to crypto in a way that is fun, tangible, and directly tied to an unforgettable experience.

Security and Trust in ChainCash#

Security Measures#

  • Blockchain Security: Transactions are securely recorded on the blockchain, preventing tampering.
  • Smart Contract Audits: Regular audits ensure that smart contracts function correctly.
  • Decentralized Verification: Transactions are verified by multiple nodes, reducing fraud risk.

Trust Mechanisms#

  • Transparent Records: Agents' transaction and reserve histories are publicly accessible, allowing for informed decision-making.
  • Reputation Systems: Agents build reputations based on their transaction history, influencing their trustworthiness.
  • Dispute Resolution: ChainCash uses smart contracts and transparent records to manage disputes. The system prevents disputes by enforcing predefined rules automatically, ensuring a fair and efficient resolution process.

Technical Details of ChainCash#

Core Components#

  1. Agents

    • Definition: Participants in the ChainCash network, including individuals, businesses, or organizations.
    • Role: Agents issue, accept, and redeem notes. They provide reserves and establish trust within the network.
    • Code Reference: For a detailed understanding of how agents interact within the system, see the ChainCash server implementation.
  2. Reserves

    • Definition: Assets locked in smart contracts to back the notes issued by agents.
    • Purpose: Reserves ensure that each note has tangible backing, providing stability and trust.
    • Code Reference: The reserve contract is detailed in the ChainCash Reserve Contract.
  3. Notes

    • Definition: Digital representations of value within ChainCash.
    • Characteristics:
      • Backed by reserves and the trust of all agents who have held or transacted with it.
      • Transparent, with all transaction histories recorded on the blockchain.
    • Code Reference: The note contract is explained in the ChainCash Note Contract section of the repository.
  4. Smart Contracts

    • Definition: Contracts written in code that automatically execute transactions based on predefined conditions.
    • Functions:
      • Manage reserves, validate transactions, and handle redemptions.
    • Code Reference: Details on smart contracts are available in the ChainCash Smart Contracts Repository.
  5. Trust Mechanisms

    • Definition: Protocols that allow agents to establish and evaluate trust within the network.
    • Implementation:
      • Reputation scores, whitelists, blacklists, and collective evaluations.
    • Code Reference: The trust mechanisms are part of the ChainCash server implementation.

Transaction Workflow#

  1. Alice locks assets (e.g., cryptocurrency) in a smart contract to create a reserve that backs the notes she issues.
  2. Alice issues a digital note worth $100, backed by her reserve. The note is digitally signed and recorded on the blockchain.
  3. Alice transfers the note to Bob in exchange for goods. Bob checks the note's backing and Alice's reputation before accepting it.
  4. Bob can use the note to pay Charlie. Each transfer adds a new signature, increasing the note's backing.
  5. Charlie redeems the note for assets from any previous holder's reserve. The smart contract handles the redemption and adjusts reserves accordingly.
  6. The blockchain is updated with all transaction details, ensuring transparency and traceability.

This process is automated and managed by the smart contracts detailed in the ChainCash contracts repository.

Addressing Challenges#

Non-Fungibility of Notes#

  • Issue: Each note has a unique history and backing, making them non-fungible.
  • Solution: Standardization protocols or aggregation services can be implemented to simplify exchanges.


  • Issue: Maintaining efficiency as the network grows is challenging.
  • Solution: Layer 2 solutions and optimized consensus algorithms can be employed to handle larger volumes of transactions.

Regulatory Compliance#

  • Issue: Compliance with diverse financial regulations can be complex.
  • Solution: Adaptive compliance frameworks and collaboration with regulators can help.

Privacy Concerns#

  • Issue: Participants may need privacy in certain transactions.
  • Solution: Incorporating privacy-enhancing technologies like zero-knowledge proofs can address this issue.


1. How does ChainCash ensure the value of its currency remains stable?

  • Stability is achieved through collective backing by multiple agents' reserves and trust. The money supply is elastic, adjusting to economic demand.

2. Can anyone participate in the ChainCash network?

  • Yes, ChainCash is designed to be inclusive, allowing anyone to participate by creating reserves, issuing, accepting, and redeeming notes.

3. What happens if an agent defaults?

  • If an agent who issued or signed a ChainCash note defaults (i.e., they are unable to fulfill their obligation to back the note), the note can still be redeemed against the reserves of any other previous signer. This means that the responsibility to redeem the note falls on those who have previously backed it by signing, not on the current holder. Simply accepting and using a ChainCash note does not put your reserves at risk unless you have issued or explicitly signed the note to provide backing.

4. How are disputes handled in ChainCash?

  • ChainCash prevents disputes through automatic enforcement of rules by smart contracts. Key mechanisms:
    • Transactions follow predefined rules enforced by smart contracts.
    • All transactions are recorded transparently and immutably on the blockchain.
    • Redemption receipts document note history and signers.
    • Smart contracts handle scenarios like refunds and partial redemptions programmatically.

5. Is ChainCash compatible with existing financial systems?

  • Yes, ChainCash is designed to be flexible and interoperable, making it easy to integrate with existing financial systems and services.
