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MiningCore Setup Tutorial on Windows 10#

This guide walks you through setting up MiningCore on a Windows 10 machine step-by-step.

📦 Step 1: Install PostgreSQL#

⚠️ During installation, you do not need to install StackBuilder.

🐘 Step 2: Launch pSQL Shell#

  • Open the Windows search bar and type psql.
  • Launch the pSQL Shell.
  • Login using the credentials you set during PostgreSQL installation.
  • Username: postgres (default)
  • Password: (the one you set during install)

🔐 Step 3: Create Database Role and Schema#

In the pSQL Shell, run the following commands (replace myPassword with your actual password):

CREATE DATABASE miningcore OWNER miningcore;

📂 Step 4: Run Database Setup Scripts#

Locate the following files on your PC:

  • createdb.sql
  • createdb_postgresql_11_appendix.sql

Then, in the pSQL Shell, run these commands (replace with actual paths):

\i c:/Users/YourUser/Desktop/miningcore/src/Miningcore/Persistence/Postgres/Scripts/createdb.sql
\i c:/Users/YourUser/Desktop/miningcore/src/Miningcore/Persistence/Postgres/Scripts/createdb_postgresql_11_appendix.sql

🧱 Step 5: Create Pool Table#

For each coin you setup, create a partition of the shares table:

CREATE TABLE shares_coinName PARTITION OF shares FOR VALUES IN ('coinName');

🔁 Replace coinName with your desired coin identifier (e.g., btc, eth).

⚙️ Step 6: Configure the Pool#

  1. Go to your MiningCore build directory.
  2. Create a coinName.json config file for your coin.
  3. Inside the config file:
  4. Ensure "logFile" and "apiLogFile" under "logging" are filled in (e.g., coinName_core.log, coinName_api.log).

📝 Example config:
MiningCore Configuration Example

🛠️ Step 7: Create a Startup Batch File#

In your MiningCore root directory, create a .bat file with the following content (adjust for your coin name):

cd build
./Miningcore -c coinName.json

✅ Step 8: All Done!#

MiningCore is now set up and ready to go!

⚠️ Ensure your coin's node is fully synced before launching the pool.

Happy mining! ⛏️