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Getting Started#

The Raspberry Pi is small, inexpensive, and meets the requirements to run an Ergo full node.

Alternatively to the simple instructions below, see Tutorial: Running an Ergo Full Node on a Headless Raspberry Pi for a more comprehensive start to finish setup guide.


  • Pi4 with 4gb RAM or above is optimal.
  • Due to the intensive disk I/O, a SSD with 64GB+ is preferred.


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install default-jdk -y

Install the Java JDK

sudo apt install default-jdk

SWAP Size#

The Raspberry Pi is a very powerful device but it has some limitations which prevent it from syncing a full Ergo node quickly and efficiently. Below are a few things you can do to ensure a smooth setup process.

Increase the swap space your Pi has access to

sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

Increase to 4096 (MB)


Then re-enable the swap and reboot.

sudo dphys-swapfile setup
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
sudo reboot now

More tips#

  • WiFi has less issues than Ethernet
  • Make sure your Pi is in a well-vented area.
  • Disable your screen-saver for the sync.
  • Using ZRAM

Quick Start#

This script will download the latest version of the node, prompt you to set an API key, and start the sync while displaying the progress in terminal.

bash -c "$(curl -s"

If you'd prefer to get set up manually, here's a step-by-step guide. When ready to launch the node make sure to set a maximum limit of 2GB by using the -Xmx2g flag.

Light Mode#

A basic config on mainnet should look like this

ergo {
    node {
        mining = false


scorex {
    restApi {
        apiKeyHash = "$BLAKE_HASH"

There are several configuration options that be tweaked in your ergo.conf file. The resource directory on the main GitHub repository has examples of all available options.

  • skipV1TransactionsValidation: Skip validation of transactions before block 417,792
  • blocksToKeep denotes the number of blocks to keep with transactions and ADproofs.
  • stateType with the options utxo and digest.
  • utxo keep full utxo set, that allows to validate arbitrary block and generate ADProofs. (default)
  • digest - keep state root hash only and validate transactions via ADProofs.
  • maxConnections: The maximum amount of peers the node should try and connect to over the P2P layer.


java -jar -Xmx2g ergo.jar --mainnet -c ergo.conf
