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Ergo Node FAQ & Guidelines#


What benefits are there for running a node?#

There is no direct financial incentive to run a node. However, doing so contributes to increasing the security of the network.

Can nodes be viewed anywhere?#

Yes, public nodes can be viewed at ergonodes. However, unless your node is hosted on a publicly accessible web-server, your node should be protected by your router.

  • To run a public node, refer to this nginx.conf example.
  • Be cautious when using a remote node as it can be insecure.

Minimum Requirements#


An Ergo node requires a JDK/JRE version >= 9 installed on your system. We recommend using Oracle Java SE or SDKMAN for Unix-based systems:

curl -s "" | bash
sdk install java


The only hardware requirements are ~20GB of storage for the blockchain and ~8GB of RAM for handling the sync. The node utilizes Java, so it should work across all operating systems. You can even run it on a Raspberry Pi.

Note: Due to the intensive disk I/O, we recommend having 4-6GB of RAM with a fast SSD, running with the -Xmx4G flag on JVM9/11.

Running the Node#

API Commands#


Use the following command to safely shut down your node

curl -X POST "" -H "api_key: hello"

If a safe shutdown is not possible, you can terminate the ports:

kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:9053)
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:9030)

Please refer to the section on swagger for more information.


Your node should be protected by your router unless it's running on a publicly accessible web-server. If you wish to host a public node, consider the following:

  • The ergo.conf file must never be made public.
  • Sensitive API methods require a security token that should not be transmitted over untrusted channels.
  • Restrict access to the Ergo REST API to known hosts only. Specifically, the API should not be accessible from the Internet.

Compiling from Source#

Instead of downloading the precompiled Ergo jar, you can clone the repository and compile the jar from source using the sbt assembly command.

Running as a Service#

Create a service file:

vi /etc/systemd/system/node.service

And enter the following content:

Description=ErgoNode Service


Next, create the sh file:

echo "#!/bin/sh
sudo /usr/bin/java -jar -Xmx4G ergo.jar --mainnet -c ergo.conf" >
chmod +x

Finally, enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable node.service
sudo systemctl start node
sudo systemctl status node