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Ergo Full Node Installation Guide#

Getting Started#

Preparing Your Environment#

  1. Create a Folder: Start by creating a folder where you will keep all files related to your Ergo node. A good example is creating a folder named ergo in your home directory.

  2. Download or Build the Ergo Client:

  3. Download: Visit the Ergo GitHub releases page and download the latest .jar file.
  4. Build from Source: If you prefer, you can clone the Ergo repository and compile the .jar file yourself using SBT by running sbt assembly. Alternatively, you can set up using Docker by following the guide in Docker setup.

Setting Up Your Node#

  1. Create a Configuration File: In the ergo folder, create a text file named ergo.conf. This file will contain settings for your node. Only override the default values if necessary.


    You can rename ergo.conf to any name you prefer. This file should include any settings you want to change from their default values.

    Start with this basic configuration:

    ergo {
        node {
            mining = false
    scorex {
        restApi {
            apiKeyHash = "324dcf027dd4a30a932c441f365a25e86b173defa4b8e58948253471b81b72cf"

  2. Launch Your Node: Open a command line in your ergo folder and run the following command:

    java -jar -Xmx4G ergo-*.jar --mainnet -c ergo.conf

    -Xmx Flag

    The -Xmx4G command sets the maximum amount of memory the node can use to 4 GB. Adjust this value based on your computer's available memory.

  3. Wait for Initialization: Once you run the command, your node will start syncing with the Ergo network. This process can take some time, so patience is key.

Verifying Node Synchronization#

  1. Monitor Synchronization: Go to in your web browser to see if your node is actively syncing. It should say "Active synchronization."

  2. Check Sync Status: Once synchronization is complete, the panel will indicate "Node is synced." You can also check to compare the block height with what is reported on Ergo Explorer.

Additional Resources#