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Testnet Configuration#

This document describes the main sections and fields of the Ergo node configuration file for the Test Network. This configuration serves the need for non-breaking changes testing.

Ergo Configuration Section#

Network Type#

ergo.networkType = "testnet" This setting defines the network type. For testing purposes, it's set to "testnet".

Node Configuration#

ergo.node This section contains parameters related to the node settings.

  • headerChainDiff defines the maximum allowed number of blocks difference between the current local chain and the network. If the difference exceeds this value, the node is considered unsynchronized.
  • internalMinersCount sets the number of internal miner threads. This helps reproduce real-world scenarios like having multiple GPU miners.
  • internalMinerPollingInterval is the polling interval for GPU miners.
  • maxTransactionCost sets the maximum cost for a transaction to be propagated across the network.
  • adProofsSuffixLength determines the size of the suffix for dumping ADProofs during bootstrapping.
  • checkpoint is a mandatory checkpoint introduced due to some violations in the PaiNet.

Chain Configuration#

ergo.chain This section includes parameters related to the blockchain.

  • protocolVersion sets the protocol version.
  • addressPrefix is the prefix for network addresses. Reserved values include 0 (for mainnet) and 16 (for testnet).
  • initialDifficultyHex sets the initial difficulty for the network.
  • epochLength defines the length of an epoch in difficulty recalculation. A value of 1 means difficulty is recalculated every block.
  • blockInterval is the desired time interval between blocks.
  • monetary.minerRewardDelay sets the delay between when a block is mined and when the reward can be spent.
  • voting contains parameters related to the voting mechanism, such as the length of a voting epoch, the number of epochs for soft-fork voting, and activation epochs for a soft-fork after acceptance.
  • reemission includes parameters related to the emission process.
  • genesisStateDigestHex is the Base16 representation of the genesis state roothash.

Voting Configuration# This section allows configuration of voting parameters.

Wallet Configuration#

ergo.wallet.secretStorage.secretDir Sets the directory for the wallet's secret storage.

Scorex Configuration Section#

Network Configuration# This section includes parameters related to the network settings.

  • magicBytes is a unique identifier for the network protocol.
  • bindAddress sets the IP address and port number where the node will accept incoming connections. By default, it listens on all available network adapters.
  • nodeName assigns a visible name to your node for other participants in the P2P network.
  • knownPeers is a list of bootstrap nodes that your node will connect to upon initialization.

REST API Configuration#

scorex.restApi This section allows the setting of the node's REST API parameters.

  • apiKeyHash is the hash of your API key. The API key protects the invocation of critical API methods.

Note: Ensure to secure the transmission of the API key as it is transmitted as plain text in the HTTP header and can be intercepted during network transit!