FAQs: Rosen Bridge Operations and Features#
What is the bridge fee structure?#
Initially, it's the greater of $10 or 0.5% of the transaction value, plus network fees, adjustable by the guard set. The fee is collected in the transferred token on Ergo. Network fees vary: static for Ergo and Cardano, dynamic for EVM-based networks.
Is there a maximum amount for a single transaction on Rosen Bridge?#
No fixed maximum, but large transfers may take longer, from hours to 1-2 days, due to manual guard intervention for fund transfers from cold to hot wallets.
How is ADA managed within the system for transactions to Cardano?#
Network fees in the transaction token on Ergo are sent to a dedicated address for covering network fees on different chains. Currently, the Rosen team manually manages this, with plans for future automation.
How can a project add new token options to the bridge?#
Projects pay a listing fee to the Rosen Fund, with potential discounts for open-source projects. This involves minting wrapped tokens and updating the token map. Fees are distributed to watchers and guards.
What are the next chains to be added following ADA?#
The roadmap includes BTC, BSC (EVM-chains), and Dogecoin in the midterm. Code refactoring aims to facilitate adding new chains, with initial chains being the most challenging.
What is the size and composition of the team?#
The team includes 8 developers, with some frontend and UI tasks outsourced. Additionally, 2-3 developers have worked part-time over the past year, supported by several advisors.
For more information, please see the Team section.