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Modules Of The Ergo Headless dApp Framework#

Box Spec#

This module exposes the BoxSpec struct, which allows you to create a specification of a UTXO. This is used for defining the boxes which are required for the actions of your protocol.

/// A specification which specifies parameters of an `ErgoBox`.
/// This spec is used as a "source of truth" to both verify and find
/// `ErgoBox`es which match the spec. This is often used for defining
/// Stages in multi-stage smart contract protocols, but can also be used
/// to define input boxes for Actions.
/// All fields are wrapped in `Option`s to allow ignoring specifying
/// the field.
pub struct BoxSpec {
    /// The address of the box
    address: Option<ErgoAddressString>,
    /// The allowed range of nanoErgs
    value_range: Option<Range<NanoErg>>,
    /// A sorted list of `Constant`s which define registers
    /// of an `ErgoBox`.
    /// First element is treated as R4, second as R5, and so on.
    registers: Vec<Option<Constant>>,
    /// A sorted list of `TokenSpec`s which define tokens
    /// of an `ErgoBox`.
    tokens: Vec<Option<TokenSpec>>,
    /// An optional predicate which allows for defining custom
    /// specification logic which gets processed when verifying
    /// the box.
    predicate: Option<fn(&ErgoBox) -> bool>,

Once you've constructed a BoxSpec, you have a number of essential methods that simplify the experience of writing off-chain code for dApps.

For example, verify_box allows you to test whether an ErgoBox you provide as input matches the specification you created with your BoxSpec.

pub fn verify_box(&self, ergo_box: &ErgoBox) -> Result<()> {

Box Traits#

This module exposes two traits:

  1. WrappedBox
  2. SpecifiedBox
  3. ExplorerFindable

All ExplorerFindable structs are also SpecifiedBoxes which are all WrappedBoxes. In your off-chain code you will be defining all of your inputs UTXOs to actions as structs that implement SpecifiedBox, while automatically deriving WrappedBox and ExplorerFindable without any extra work.

WrappedBoxes provide a simplified interface for interacting with ErgoBoxes. SpecifiedBoxes on the other hand specify that a given WrappedBox also implements a BoxSpec via the box_spec() method. And lastly ExplorerFindable provides an interface on top of the SpecifiedBox trait for finding boxes that match the BoxSpec from an Ergo Explorer API instance.

Specified Boxes#

This module exposes generic "Specified Box" structs that implement the SpecifiedBox/WrappedBox/ExplorerFindable traits. These boxes can be used as inputs for Actions in your off-chain protocol code, while also enabling front-end devs to easily gain access to on-chain data, such as Oracle Pool data.

Currently Implemented Specified Boxes: 1. ErgsBox 2. ErgUsdOraclePoolBox 3. AdaUsdOraclePoolBox

ErgsBox are used for acquiring inputs that hold Ergs inside of them which can be used within your smart contract protocol actions.

ErgUsdOraclePoolBox & AdaUsdOraclePoolBox provide an extremely simplified interface for both headless dApp developers as well as front-end implementors to utilize data from the two currently running Oracle Pools. These two specified boxes can even be used by wallets/any off-chain application that needs to read the current rates from the Oracle Pool boxes.

The code block below shows how in 4 lines you can read the current Erg-USD oracle pool rate from your preferred Ergo Explorer API instance:

let url = ErgUsdOraclePoolBox::explorer_endpoint("").unwrap();
let response = get(&url).unwrap().text().unwrap();
let oracle_pool_box =
    "Erg-USD Oracle Pool: {} nanoErgs per USD",

Output Builders#

This module exposes structs which provide you with a basic interface for creating common output UTXOs within your Actions. These are often used for creating outputs that hold a user's change or pay a tx fee.

Example Output Builders: 1. ChangeBox 2. TokensChangeBox 3. TxFeeBox

Tx Creation#

This module exposes a few basic functions for making your life easier when building UnsignedTransactions inside of your Actions.


This module exposes a number of helpful functions related to encoding/decoding/wrapping/unwrapping values from one form into another.


pub fn erg_to_nano_erg(erg_amount: f64) -> u64;
pub fn nano_erg_to_erg(nanoerg_amount: u64) -> f64;
pub fn unwrap_long(c: &Constant) -> Result<i64>;
pub fn serialize_p2s_from_ergo_tree(ergo_tree: ErgoTree) -> P2SAddressString;

Procedural Macros#

This crate exposes three procedural macros to make the life of devs much simpler:

  1. WrapBox
  2. SpecBox
  3. WASMBox

WrapBox simply implements the WrappedBox trait for you, SpecBox implements a customized new() method that uses your BoxSpec + implements the ExplorerFindable trait for you, and WASMBox implements the two basic required methods to enable WASM support for your struct (w_new() and w_box_struct()).