ErgoScript Compiler#
The ErgoScript Compiler is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool designed to compile ErgoScript code into an Ergo address.
User Guide#
Setup and Compilation#
If you're starting from source, compile the ErgoScript compiler using these steps:
- Clone the repository by executing
git clone
. - Make sure SBT is installed and correctly set up in your path.
- Use the command
sbt assembly
in the project root folder to compile the JAR file.
Upon successful compilation, a JAR file is generated in the following path:
. In the steps below,<jarFile>
refers to this JAR.If you're using the precompiled JAR, proceed directly to the next step.
- Clone the repository by executing
Compiling ErgoScript code involves the following steps:
- Save your ErgoScript code in a text file, for example,
. You can choose any file extension. - If your code references any symbols (constants), save them in a separate file, for instance,
. Refer to the section below on how to write this file. - This symbols file is optional and is only required if your code references any symbols.
- Use the command
java -cp <jarFile> Compile <ergoScriptFile> <optionalSymbolsFile>
to compile the file. For example:java -cp ErgoScriptCompiler.jar Compile mySymbols.json
java -cp ErgoScriptCompiler.jar Compile
- Save your ErgoScript code in a text file, for example,
Refer to the example below for a sample output.
Integration in Your Project#
To use ErgoScript Compiler in your project, add the following to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "io.github.ergoplatform" %% "ergoscriptcompiler" % "1.0"
Then call: util.Compiler.compile(ergoScriptFile: String, symbolsFile: Option[String])
Examples and Outputs#
The src/test/resources
directory contains sample ErgoScript and symbol files. Here's an example execution:
java -cp \
target/scala-2.12/ErgoScriptCompiler-assembly-0.1.jar \
Compile \
src/test/resources/ \
The output includes: 1. The ErgoTree corresponding to the Script, serialized and hex-encoded. 2. The Blake2b256 hash of the ErgoTree, hex-encoded. 3. The address corresponding to the ErgoTree.
Symbol File Format#
If your ErgoScript code references token IDs or script hashes, encode such values in a "symbols" file as follows (any file extension is permissible):
Generating Payment Requests#
Apart from compiling ErgoScript, this tool can generate a "payment request". It replaces register values from human-understandable forms to serialized-hex needed by the Ergo client's REST API. For instance, to store the integer 1, you would provide the register value as 0402
The command to generate payment requests is: java -cp <jarFile> Payment <humanRequest.json> <symbolsFile.json>