\newcommand{\MSig}[3]{\text{def}~#1(#2): #3}
\newcommand{\Trait}[2]{\text{trait}~#1~\{ #2 \}}
\newcommand{\Set}[1]{\{ #1 \}}
Predefined types#
Byte.toByte (106.1)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Byte, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toByte: Byte
- Serialized as: Downcast
Byte.toShort (106.2)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Short, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toShort: Short
- Serialized as: Upcast
Byte.toInt (106.3)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Int, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toInt: Int
- Serialized as: Upcast
Byte.toLong (106.4)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Long, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toLong: Long
- Serialized as: Upcast
Byte.toBigInt (106.5)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to BigInt
- Signature:
def toBigInt: BigInt
- Serialized as: Upcast
Short.toByte (106.1)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Byte, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toByte: Byte
- Serialized as: Downcast
Short.toShort (106.2)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Short, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toShort: Short
- Serialized as: Downcast
Short.toInt (106.3)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Int, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toInt: Int
- Serialized as: Downcast
Short.toLong (106.4)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Long, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toLong: Long
- Serialized as: Upcast
Short.toBigInt (106.5)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to BigInt
- Signature:
def toBigInt: BigInt
- Serialized as: Upcast
Int.toByte (106.1)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Byte, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toByte: Byte
- Serialized as: Downcast
Int.toShort (106.2)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Short, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toShort: Short
- Serialized as: Downcast
Int.toInt (106.3)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Int, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toInt: Int
- Serialized as: Downcast
Int.toLong (106.4)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Long, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toLong: Long
- Serialized as: Upcast
Int.toBigInt (106.5)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to BigInt.
- Signature:
def toBigInt: BigInt
- Serialized as: Upcast
Long.toByte (106.1)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Byte, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toByte: Byte
- Serialized as: Downcast
Long.toShort (106.2)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Short, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toShort: Short
- Serialized as: Downcast
Long.toInt (106.3)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Int, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toInt: Int
- Serialized as: Downcast
Long.toLong (106.4)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to Long, throwing exception if overflow.
- Signature:
def toLong: Long
- Serialized as: Downcast
Long.toBigInt (106.5)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to BigInt
- Signature:
def toBigInt: BigInt
- Serialized as: Upcast
BigInt.toBigInt (106.5)#
- Description: Converts this numeric value to BigInt
- Signature:
def toBigInt: BigInt
- Serialized as: Downcast
GroupElement.getEncoded (7.2)#
- Description: Get an encoding of the point value.
- Signature:
def getEncoded: Coll[Byte]
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
GroupElement.exp (7.3)#
- Description: Exponentiate this GroupElement to the given number. Returns this to the power of k
- Signature:
def exp(k: BigInt): GroupElement
- Parameters:
The power
- Parameters:
- Serialized as: Exponentiate
GroupElement.multiply (7.4)#
- Description: Group operation.
- Signature:
def multiply(other: GroupElement): GroupElement
- Parameters:
other element of the group - Serialized as: MultiplyGroup
GroupElement.negate (76.5)#
- Description: Inverse element of the group.
- Signature:
def negate: GroupElement
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
Values of SigmaProp type hold sigma propositions, which can be proved and verified using Sigma protocols. Each sigma proposition is represented as an expression where sigma protocol primitives such as ProveDlog, and ProveDHTuple are used as constants and special sigma protocol connectives like &&,|| and THRESHOLD are used as operation.
The abstract syntax of sigma propositions is shown below.
Set | Syntax | Mnemonic | Description | |
\(Tree \ni t\) | := | \(\lst{Trivial(b)}\) | \(\lst{TrivialProp}\) | boolean value \(\lst{b}\) as sigma proposition |
\(\mid\) | \(\lst{Dlog(ge)}\) | \(\lst{ProveDLog}\) | knowledge of discrete logarithm of \(\lst{ge}\) | |
\(\mid\) | \(\lst{DHTuple(g,h,u,v)}\) | \(\lst{ProveDHTuple}\) | knowledge of Diffie-Hellman tuple | |
\(\mid\) | \(\lst{THRESHOLD}(k,t_1,\dots,t_n)\) | \(\lst{THRESHOLD}\) | knowledge of \(k\) out of \(n\) secrets | |
\(\mid\) | \(\lst{OR}(t_1,\dots,t_n)\) | \(\lst{OR}\) | knowledge of any one of \(n\) secrets | |
\(\mid\) | \(\lst{AND}(t_1,\dots,t_n)\) | \(\lst{AND}\) | knowledge of all \(n\) secrets |
Every well-formed tree of sigma proposition is a value of type \(\lst{SigmaProp}\), thus following the notation of the evaluation section we can define denotation of \(\lst{SigmaProp}\)
\[\Denot{\lst{SigmaProp}} = \Set{t \in Tree}\]
The following methods can be called on all instances of \(\lst{SigmaProp}\) type.
SigmaProp.propBytes (8.1)#
- Description: Serialized bytes of this sigma proposition taken as ErgoTree.
- Parameters:
- Result:
- Serialized as: SigmaPropBytes
SigmaProp.isProven (8.2)#
- Description: Verify that sigma proposition is proven. (FRONTEND ONLY)
- Parameters:
- Result:
For a full list of primitive operations on \(\lst{SigmaProp}\) type, see Appendix B
Box.value (99.1)#
- Description: Mandatory: Monetary value, in Ergo tokens (NanoErg unit of measure
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Long}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractAmount
Box.propositionBytes (99.2)#
- Description: Serialized bytes of guarding script, which should be evaluated to true in order to open this box. (aka spend it in a transaction)
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Byte]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractScriptBytes
Box.bytes (99.3)#
- Description: Serialized bytes of this box’s content, including proposition bytes.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Byte]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractBytes
Box.bytesWithoutRef (99.4)#
- Description: Serialized bytes of this box’s content, excluding transactionId and index of output.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Byte]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractBytesWithNoRef
Box.value (99.5)#
- Description: Blake2b256 hash of this box’s content, basically equals to blake2b256(bytes).
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Byte]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractId
Box.creationInfo (99.6)#
- Description: If tx is a transaction which generated this box, then \(\lst{creationInfo._1}\) is a height of the tx’s block. The \(\lst{creationInfo._2}\) is a serialized transaction identifier followed by box index in the transaction outputs.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{(Int,Coll[Byte])}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractCreationInfo
Box.getReg (99.7)#
- Description: Extracts register by id and type. Type param T expected type of the register. Returns Some(value) if the register is defined and has given type and None otherwise
- Parameters: \(\lst{regId : Int}\) // zero-based identifier of the register.
- Result: \(\lst{Option[T]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.tokens (99.8)#
- Description: Secondary tokens.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[(Coll[Byte],Long)]}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
Box.R0 (99.9)#
- Description: Monetary value, in Ergo tokens.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[T]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.value (99.10)#
- Description: Guarding script
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[T]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.value (99.11)#
- Description: Secondary tokens.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[T]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.R3 (99.12)#
- Description: Reference to transaction and output id where the box was created
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[T]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.R4 (99.13)#
- Description: Non-mandatory register.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[T]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.R5 (99.14)#
- Description: Non-mandatory register.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[T]}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.R6 (99.15)#
- Description: Mandatory: Monetary value, in Ergo tokens (NanoErg unit of measure
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Long}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.R7 (99.16)#
- Description: Mandatory: Monetary value, in Ergo tokens (NanoErg unit of measure
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Long}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.R8 (99.17)#
- Description: Mandatory: Monetary value, in Ergo tokens (NanoErg unit of measure
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Long}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
Box.R9 (99.18)#
- Description: Mandatory: Monetary value, in Ergo tokens (NanoErg unit of measure
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Long}\)
- Serialized as: ExtractRegisterAs
AvlTree.digest (100.1)#
- Description: Returns digest of the state represented by this tree. Authenticated tree \(\lst{digest = root hash bytes ++ tree height}\)
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Byte]}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
AvlTree.enabledOperations (100.2)#
- Description: Flags of enabled operations packed in single byte.
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Byte}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
isInsertAllowed == (enabledOperations & 0x01) != 0
isUpdateAllowed == (enabledOperations & 0x02) != 0
isRemoveAllowed == (enabledOperations & 0x04) != 0
AvlTree.keyLength (100.3)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Int}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
AvlTree.valueLengthOpt (100.4)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Byte]}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
AvlTree.isInsertAllowed (100.5)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Byte]}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
AvlTree.isUpdateAllowed (100.6)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Boolean}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
AvlTree.isRemovedAllowed (100.7)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Boolean}\)
- Serialized as: PropertyCall
AvlTree.updateOperations (100.8)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{AvlTree}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall
AvlTree.contains (100.9)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Boolean}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall
AvlTree.get (100.10)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[Coll[Byte]]}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall
AvlTree.getMeny (100.11)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Coll[Option[Coll[Byte]]]}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall
AvlTree.insert (100.12)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[AvlTree]}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall
AvlTree.update (100.13)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[AvlTree]}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall
AvlTree.remove (100.14)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{Option[AvlTree]}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall
AvlTree.updateDigest (100.15)#
- Description:
- Parameters:
- Result: \(\lst{AvlTree}\)
- Serialized as: MethodCall