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Understanding ErgoTree Encoding#

ErgoTree encoding is a binary formatting system designed for the storage, transfer, and cross-platform operation of ErgoTree contracts. This format is advantageous due to its proficiency in the serialization and deserialization of ErgoTree contracts.

Variable Length Quantity (VLQ) Encoding#

The ErgoTree encoding applies Variable Length Quantity (VLQ) encoding for integer representation. VLQ encoding is an effective scheme that accommodates integer representation with a variable byte count.

In the following Scala code, we define a method putULong, which accepts a single long value and encodes it utilizing VLQ encoding. The encoding process entails iteratively analyzing the input value and writing the encoded bytes to a buffer array.

During the encoding procedure, the method first verifies if the value can be represented using a single byte by applying a bitwise AND operation with 0x7FL and checking if it equals zero. If so, the value is cast to a byte and stored in the buffer array. If not, the value undergoes a bitwise AND operation with 0x7F, is then cast to a byte, and finally bitwise ORed with 0x80. The resulting byte is stored in the buffer array, and the value is right-shifted by 7 bits. This procedure repeats until the entire value is encoded.

// Defining a public method putULong that accepts a single long value as input
public final void putULong(long value) {
    // An infinite loop will continue until a return statement is executed
    while (true) {
        // If the bitwise AND operation between the value and 0x7FL (bitwise NOT operation) equals zero
        if ((value & ~0x7FL) == 0) {
            // When the above condition is satisfied, cast the value to a byte and store it in 
            // the buffer array at the current position
            buffer[position++] = (byte) value;
            // Terminate the method
        } else {
            // If the above condition is not satisfied, perform a bitwise AND operation on the value with 0x7F,
            // cast the resultant integer to a byte, and perform a bitwise OR operation with 0x80.
            // Store the resulting byte value in the buffer array at the current position
            buffer[position++] = (byte) (((int) value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
            // Shift the value 7 bits to the right
            value >>>= 7;

ZigZag Encoding#

To encode a ZigZag-encoded 64-bit value, we use ZigZag encoding, which converts signed integers into values suitable for efficient varint encoding. Without ZigZag encoding, negative values would require sign-extension to 64 bits for varint encoding, invariably consuming 10 bytes in the buffer.

Parameter n is a signed 64-bit integer. Due to the absence of explicit unsigned support in Java, this Java method returns an unsigned 64-bit integer stored in a signed int.

public static long encodeZigZag64(final long n) {
    // This code shifts the long integer 'n' one bit to the left and performs a bitwise XOR operation 
    // with 'n' shifted arithmetically 63 bits to the right. This arithmetic shift ensures the sign bit 
    // is extended to the leftmost position.
    return (n << 1) ^ (n >> 63);