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Ergo Full Node Manual Installation#

Initial Setup#

Download the Ergo Client#

Initiate the process by establishing a designated folder (e.g., ~/ergo) for the node operation and download the latest Ergo client release .jar file. Alternatively, clone the Ergo repository and compile the .jar file from the source using SBT (sbt assembly command), or via Docker.

Create a configuration file#


The filename ergo.conf can be modified as desired. This file is a repository for all configuration parameters, and only parameters differing from the default values need to be overwritten.

Subsequently, create an ergo.conf configuration file in the same directory as the .jar file, containing the following:

ergo {
    node {
        mining = false

Launch the node with the command:

java -jar -Xmx4G ergo-*.jar --mainnet -c ergo.conf

See this page for getting setup with java.

-Xmx Flag
  • The -Xmx4G flag determines the JVM's max heap size; recommended setting is 4-6G based on available memory.
  • During the initial syncing process, allocate more memory using -Xmx4g. Upon completion of the syncing process, reduce this to -Xmx1g.

Following the execution of this command, the node will commence syncing. Wait for the API initialization before proceeding to the next step.

API Security#

Generate Secret Password#

To secure the API, set a unique and robust secret password (avoid using the demonstration secret hello).

Compute Secret's Hash#

Use the API at to compute your secret's Blake2b hash.

Note: Ensure the .jar file is actively running to access the API at, which denotes your local machine.

Compute Hash of secret

Update Configuration File#

After obtaining the hash response, input it into the ergo.conf file. For instance, the Blake2b hash of hello is 324dcf027dd4a30a932c441f365a25e86b173defa4b8e58948253471b81b72cf.


Update the configuration file with the API key hash:

ergo {
  node {
    mining = false

scorex {
 restApi {
    apiKeyHash = "324dcf027dd4a30a932c441f365a25e86b173defa4b8e58948253471b81b72cf"

Restart the node to initiate syncing and enable API access.

Node Synchronization Verification#

During synchronization, the panel displays "Active synchronization".

active synchronization

Upon completion of synchronization, the panel updates to "Node is synced".


Additional verification can be performed at by comparing the block height to the latest block height at
