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Spending Mining Rewards#

Keep in mind

Please note this page contains information that pre-dates EIP-27.

This section guides miners on how to withdraw funds they have mined.

Many users have launched both a node and a miner, with the miner's pubkeyHex embedded in the node's configuration. This information explains how to identify the coins that have been mined and transfer them to another address.

Keys Overview#

Miners may encounter various keys in different formats. Here are the key formats commonly encountered:

  1. Base16-encoded raw public key: Mining software and mining support in the node use this format, represented as a serialized point on an elliptic curve. Miners can use this key without the need for Base58 encoding or address formation.

  2. Pay-To-Public-Key (P2PK) addresses: These addresses are displayed in the node wallet and start with "9." In addition to the elliptic curve point, P2PK addresses also include the network prefix and a checksum, similar to Bitcoin's P2PK and P2PKH addresses.

  3. Mining/rewardAddress API method: This method is intended for external tools that generate block candidates. It displays a special encoded script, such as 88dhgzEuTXaSfKEbxfa6vghvEGdBH39sn9h7As2Y2Z6SGd8bKXCXmRLY5JtU4g4RYBP4WcZWb3JwjXDK, used to pay a miner.

As long as you have entered the pubkeyHex from your miner into your node, you don't need to worry about the different keys you encounter.

Viewing Your Balance and Withdrawing Funds#

After initializing your wallet, you may not see the mined coins if the initialization occurred after the corresponding blocks were mined. It's important to note that the node does not scan blocks retrospectively; it only scans new blocks after initialization. To find mined coins in this situation, you need to perform a full blockchain rescan (or launch another node on a different machine or with different ports configured in the scorex.restApi.bindAddress and fields of the config). We recommend using version 3.0.1 for easier configuration.

To spend your mining rewards, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Clear Node State (if stopping the node)#

If you intend to stop your node, you must clear its state. To do this, stop the node and remove all contents of the .ergo directory. On Mac and Linux, you may need to use the ls -a command in the directory where you ran the node to view the hidden directory.

Step 2: Restoring a Local Wallet from the Autolykos Miner's Seed Phrase#

Retrieve the mnemonic sentence you set in the config.json when configuring your Autolykos miner. You need to restore the built-in wallet using this phrase. To restore your wallet, start the node again and send a POST request to http://[your_node_ip]:9053/wallet/restore with the following application/json content-type body:

  "pass": "your_wallet_pass",
  "mnemonic": "mnemonic_sentence_from_your_miner",
  "mnemonicPass": "mnemonic_pass_if_set"

In the request, provide a new, unique pass to encrypt the wallet data on your local disk. The mnemonic field should contain the mnemonic phrase copied from your Autolykos miner's config (config.json). Pay attention to the optional mnemonicPass field, which represents the password for your mnemonic phrase. Include this field in the request only if your mnemonic phrase is protected by a password; otherwise,

remove it.

Ensure that you authorize your request by setting the correct api_key HTTP header, corresponding to the apiKeyHash you configured in the node's config file.

ATTENTION: To allow the wallet to scan all blocks from the genesis, restore the wallet before your node starts downloading full blocks. You can check the fullHeight value in the response of the /info API method. If fullHeight is null, it means your node hasn't started downloading full blocks yet.

Step 3: Checking Your Balance#

Once your node is synchronized with the network, check the /wallet/balances API method. The response should resemble the following:

  "height": 3560,
  "balance": 67500000000,
  "assets": {}

First, pay attention to the height field, which should be equal to the fullHeight displayed by the /info API route. The balance field represents the confirmed balance discovered by your wallet.

Step 4: Making a Transaction to Spend Your Reward#

To withdraw a reward from your wallet, create a new payment transaction using the /wallet/payment/send API route. Send a POST request with the following application/json content-type body:

  "address": "your_address",
  "value": 10000000

In the request, specify the address where you want to move your funds and the value representing the amount of nanoERGs you wish to transfer.

After sending the request, the node will return the transaction ID in the response. You can use the explorer to track the progress of your transaction until it gets added to a block.