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ErgoAuth: user authentication protocol between wallet applications and dApps#

  • Author: @MrStahlfelge
  • Status: Implemented
  • Created: 25-Jan-2022
  • Last change: 24-Oct-2022
  • License: CC0
  • Forking: not needed



This EIP defines a standard for trustless authentication of users of a wallet app and an online dApp.

Background And Motivation#

dApps might want to validate if dApp users are really who they pretend to be. This is especially useful for dApps that grant certain abilities to holders of special tokens. At the moment, proving that a user owns a token can only be done by sending the token to a depositary address. By sending the token, the user proofed to have access privileges to the token. However, sending token around is not always desirable. Especially for valuable tokens, users might not want to send it away, and doing two transactions (one to send it to the depositary address, one to refund it back) costs both time and transaction fees.

To overcome this, ErgoAuth proposes a way to authenticate users trustless to have access to certain addresses storing a box. The protocol is trustless in both ways: The users don't need to trust the dApp, because the dApp does not get access to funds or secrets. The dApp don't need to trust the users or the wallet app, because it can validate the authentication keys.

ErgoAuth authentication protocol#

An authentication with ErgoAuth is driven by a dApp that needs to authenticate a user.

1) The user enters the necessary information in the dApp's UI for the dApp to know if authentication is necessary. For example, users might enter their P2PK address (or, instead of manually entering, use ErgoPay to send the address to the dApp automatically).

2) The dApp determines that authenticating the user is needed. For this, the dApp prepares a unique message that the wallet app should sign with a user's private key, and a SigmaBoolean that the user needs to authenticate for. This might be a P2PK address wrapped in a SigmaBoolean.

3) The dApp presents an ErgoAuth link for the user to click and open the wallet app and a QR code for mobile users to scan from within the wallet app.

4) The wallet application parses the QR code/link data and obtains a ErgoAuthRequestUrl to fetch the actual ErgoAuthRequest data from (see Data Formats section).

5) When ErgoAuthRequest is obtained, the wallet presents a screen showing that a dApp wants to authenticate the user, and the address the request is for. The wallet app should also inform the user that no funds or moved and no secrets will leave the device. In a future enhancement, the Auth Request could be relayed to a Cold wallet device. This is an enhancement of EIP-0019 and would not change ErgoAuth protocol.

6) When the user agrees, the wallet app adds some own bytes to the obtained message from ErgoAuthRequest, signs it and sends the signed message to the ErgoAuthRequest's replyToUrl. The added bytes include the host address the authentication request was fetched from, added right after the message defined by the dApp. This way, dApp can check if a user authenticated via the right domain and there is no middleman.

8) The dApp validates the signed message. When successful, it can proceed with its flow.

Data Formats#

Wallet apps should be able to initiate ErgoAuth both by using URI schemes (clickable links) or QR codes.


An URL is provided without the https prefix. http communication is not allowed except for IP addresses (in order to test within a local network).

Examples: * ergoauth:// will make the wallet app request * ergoauth:// will make the wallet app request

Response body: ErgoAuthRequest#

The wallet application should request URL and obtain the following data (json format)

  - signingMessage: String
  - sigmaBoolean: String (base64 from serialized SigmaBoolean)
  - userMessage: String (optional*)
  - messageSeverity: String (optional) "INFORMATION", "WARNING"
  - replyToUrl: String

(Remark: An Ergo p2pk address is a SigmaBoolean, so authenticating a wallet address is possible with this)

The signingMessage is a String that is not user-friendly to read in general, as it might contain information the dApp adds to make it unique. If the signingMessage contains 0-byte character (unicode 0000), the part of the signingMessage before this sign is interpreted as the user prompt what he is going to sign for and must be shown to the user.

If provided, the wallet application should show the userMessage and display the messageSeverity in a suitable way. It should also show the replyToUrl's hostname so that the user knows to where the authentication is sent. The replyToUrl's hostname must be the same as the one the request was fetched from - a wallet application should verify that.

After signing is performed, the wallet must POST the following data to the dApp using replyToUrl from the request (json format).

  - signedMessage: String
  - proof: String (Base64)

signedMessage: Message containing the signingMessage sent by the dApp with additional bytes added by the wallet. The addition of random bytes is done to prevent letting the user signing a message that might be used for unwanted malicious tasks. Besides random based, the signed message must also contain the replyToUrl's hostname right after the original signing message. This way, the dApp can check if an authentication was done by the user for that dApp, or if another middleman reuses an authentication.

proof: Output of signing signedMessage

In case there was an error building the ErgoAuthRequest on the dApp side, the dApp might reply with an ErgoAuthRequestError to inform the user about the error:

  - userMessage: String

The wallet application will show the user message to the user.

Cold wallet support#

Similar to EIP-0019 for signing transactions from devices not connected to the internet ("cold wallets"), ErgoAuth can be used to sign messages from cold wallets. This is transparent for dApps and handled by the wallet connected to the internet ("hot wallet").

For this, the ErgoAuthRequest must be transferred to the cold wallet via files or QR codes and the ErgoAuthResponse must be transferred back the same way.

The interchange format to transfer chunks between hot wallet and cold wallet is similar to the one defined in EIP-0019, with name "EARQ" for ErgoAuthRequest and "EARS" for ErgoAuthResponse. Examples:



The ErgoAuthRequest's replyToUrl field must be omitted to save data bandwidth.

Chunking as described in EIP-0019 is supported as well.

Implementation in wallet app#

Ergo Wallet App #112

Implementation in dApp#

Ergo Appkit #157

dApp: * ErgoPay backend example * Login to

Benefits for dApps#

  • A dApp or website don’t need to handle user's secrets (mnemonic/private keys), but can safely validate if a user has access to certain Ergo addresses.
  • dApp's users don't need to worry about security of their private keys as the wallet guarantees they never leave the device. This is especially true if authentication is done with a cold device.